[quote=ASTA] Wilson, why does your faction refer to each star system that they come across as a 'solar system'? That implies that Sol has untold billions of clones scattered about the universe. [/quote] ? The solar system that Nouvelle is in is what they are calling solar system- and the closest solar system to them is the Valkian solar system. They aren't talking about star systems, they are talking about solar systems- a single sun with planets in orbit around it. Unless Earth and the system that it's in is the ONLY solar system in the galaxy, then you could hardly be confused when I refer to the area around a star as a solar system, as long as it has several satellite bodies, namely planets. I have already said that the Valkians are practically neighbors to the Nouvellians- by solar system. They just jumped from the edge of one solar system, one area around a single star, to the edge of the Nouvellian star's area, and began exploring around there. Solar = sun Sun = star Sun system = solar system = star system Unless by star system, you mean a grouping of solar systems or something. Sol System is Earth, in my mind, and a solar system is just the area around a star. In my mind, of course.