[quote=MightyGos]I guess I exaggerated with my reaction to your cards scarifar, I'm just getting used to all these new cards and effects, so I just discovered there are official cards that are similar to yours. Awyway I think I'm getting the hang of making balanced cards. I just wanna make sure that you guys think these are fair[/quote] Neck Hunter says "1 Tuner [b]-[/b] 1 or more non-Tuner monsters" instead of "1 Tuner + 1...". Intentional? That aside, Neck Hunter's effect is very balanced. Actually, I might even call it a bit [i]under[/i]whelming on account of if you call the card name wrong, you've just wasted 500 ATK; valuable points for a monster with only 2400 original ATK. As for Pendulum Machine, this is a well-done example of balance. Neither of its effects serve as a +1, and its ATK isn't too high for its level, just as things should be with piercers. Good job, man.