“You better not die, then.” As Jun followed Magrus to the base, kid in tow, he hissed, “I can assure you – my history's as cool as a cucumber.” A complete lie, of course. Even his amber eyes said otherwise, and it was a miracle the kid hadn't noticed. It wasn't like he hadn't used his own particular heritage before to infiltrate a Fire Nation base. “And you won't find anything else. [i]Anything.[/i]” It was more of a threat than he had intended. His fingertips danced along his blade restlessly as they approached the keep. “We're walking in the front entrance. Hah! Of course we are.” He held his helmet under his arm, the deep red of the uniform making him seem paler than ever. It hurt to look like he was from the Fire Nation, mostly because it felt like a betrayal to his uncle and the Earth Kingdom. “Just follow my lead, alright?” he said to the brat as they stopped slightly far away from the base. “Beardy, where are the charges – do we have a way in and out or do we need to – improvise..?” ----- Suyin nodded to Genji as she left, the others in tow. Lee had saluted the female commander and shook his head at the water-bender as if he found his weakness hilarious; Sen had merely nodded and disappeared around the corner as soon as they were given leave. “Father'll be [i]most[/i] upset if he ever hears about this,” she said quietly, a wry grin on her lips. “I won't tell him you charged into a room full of enemies if you don't say I got kidnapped.” The girl picked at her bow, tightening the string and plucking it experimentally. Better. Not one to be beaten in close range again, she reached into a nearby drawer of the command cabin and pulled out a set of needles she had been given for her birthday one time. Not her weapon of choice, no, but she could use them. “Maybe I can practice some acupuncture on you.”