Varionus, UE and I are perfectly capable of handling the repair of broken cards. In fact, UE has linked a number of tutorials on YCM, including the exact same one you just linked. Now I'm fine with you wanting to help, but the very GM-like actions you are taking are not entirely welcome. I'm not kicking you out, just giving a warning, as a chain of command in an RP needs to be understood. I would appreciate you stepping down and taking a moment to realize that you are not the only person here who can create decent cards. UE, Scar, and I (though Gos is pretty getting good at this as well) are fully capable of taking care of Char's cards and working with him on fixing him. In fact, you'll notice that none of his are on the first post yet. This is, believe it or not, not due to my laziness (though I have plenty of that, too), but because I do not feel the cards are ready to be posted there yet.