''The charges are hidden in the weapon storage...and yes you do have to improvise'' Magrus nodded ''Now if you'l excuse me'' A smoke bomb was thrown on the ground and he was gone. It really didn't take long for things to go wrong. ''HEY! KID!'' The two could hear almost as soon as they entered the fort ''What are you thinking! your not supposed to be here'' A hand roughly grabbed Jin's shoulder. ''Aaaah! I-i c-can explain!...no really! I can!'' Jin peeped. How they hell did they find out he wasn't a fire nation recruit! The fire helmet hid two eyes gigantic from the panic ''L-listen this is a misunderstanding...I'm just'' ''Be quite! You not supposed to be here! period!'' The soldier holding Jin said ''Your supposed to be over there....no slacking off worm!'' ''Huh?'' Jin replied baffled, was he found out or was he not? The man pushing him to the drill sergeant horribly pushing his recruits implied he hadn't been found out....but this was even worse! The boy shot Jun a helpless look as he got pulled in what was going to be an incredible though training. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''O-of course not'' From his bed Ran pulled up his arm to reach for his sisters hand ''I would never tell father you were kidnapped, I'm really sorry about letting it happen'' Being the doormat that he was Ran blamed no one then himself. He had placed his sister in a position she could be grabbed and he should have felt the danger as it was taking place. If their father would hear anything about it then it would be an admission of blame from Ran. ''Um...i'd rather you didn't actually'' Ran smiled weakly when he saw his sister grinning at him with those needles. He was so proud of his big sister. Even after just returning from a fight, even if she was kidnapped not long before she still reverted to jokes so quickly while Ran was in his bed mopping around about how sorry he was...then again he really was that sorry.