Anthony E. Martin stood atop the tallest of the hillsides to Sunnyside's south, flanked on his right and left by two Rangers each. A stiff wind blew against him, flowing in the direction of the enemy city below. What Anthony saw through a pair of binoculars, his Rangers watched through their scopes, ready to pull the trigger on any target that Anthony called out. After he'd identified a shot for each of the Rangers to make, he muttered the word 'now', and the sounds of four rifles firing off into the north-east broke the silence. With steady aim and the wind against their backs, the Rangers' rounds each found their way into the torsos of their targets, putting them down instantly, and without warning. Their brothers in arms must've been scared shitless, now knowing themselves to be surrounded from both north and south. Anthony's trademark frown didn't show it, but the accuracy of his men made him proud. He set his binoculars aside and gave them a snide clap of reassurance, then turned his back to take a gaze upon the barren south. The Martin Rangers had occupied the eastern-most hill in Sunnyside's proximity, having been ordered to establish an observation post to watch over the town's southern approaches. Anthony found what was happening to the north to be much more interesting than the empty wastes to the south, but he had his orders, and he intended to follow them deliberately. With the Martin Rangers Frontier Company setting up sniping positions at this hillside, the Contact Company had marched eastward, to block off the road leading away from Sunnyside to the south-east. They'd encountered virtually no resistance on their march, and the small handful of men that awaited them at the Commonwealth's roadside checkpoint quickly surrendered when they saw an army of two hundred Rangers approaching on the western horizon. The Martin Rangers now held firm control over the hills and the road, and any man foolish enough to head south through the open fields would find himself a bullet heavier in short order. Sunnyside's south was secured. If the men assaulting from the north did their job, the Badlands Commonwealth would soon have no choice but to either surrender or die. Sunnyside belonged to the Yakima Republic. [hider=Welcome to Sunnyside!][img][/img][/hider]