Gwen and Cowyn were sitting in chairs close to each other with one leg propped up on each other's chair, talking a mile a minute with each other in several languages, jumping from Italian, to Belarusian, to Azerbaijani, to French, with English words thrown in there intermittently. "I don't know Gwen!" Cowyn said, finally in English. "Then maybe you should figure out Cowyn." Gwen gave him a look before turning to observe everyone else here. They were like them, special, although all with different powers, influenced by the signs they were born under. Hence, both she and Cowyn. The Twin sign, it's only appropriate there be twins born to it. "Gwen, je suis desolé ma sœur." Cowyn said and she shrugged. "Leave it Cowyn." Gwen said sharply. It wasn't in her nature to get angry, especially at her brother, but she frequently got annoyed with people, and she didn't want to be annoyed as she met the others like them.