[quote=Kidd] I think I'm young (20) but Michael Brown was younger than me and was unarmed when he was gunned down. The fact that he was unarmed when Wilson murdered him is reason enough for people to be angry. There was literally no reason for him to die. None. So I'm angry. Especially since this is not an isolated incident. [/quote] Unarmed or not if the facts are correct and Mr Brown chose to assault a police office, reaching for his firearm. And after rounds were discharged in the vehicle, where Mr. Brown suffered an injury as as a round grazed on his hand, when told to stop, he chose to charge the officer. The officer had no options other than to fire. Judging by the shot pattern, if the autopsies are accurate, the officer was firing in a state of fear because his shot pattern was scattered and not centered on the torso. Also the number of rounds discharged indicate the officer was firing in a panicked state.