[quote=TheMusketMan]Hey, I'm back. Couldn't get internet last night for some reason. 1300 miles across the country for Thanksgiving with my family. I am the best cousin/Grandson/nephew ever.[/quote] Normally when anyone says they're the best anything I think it's exaggeration, but I would travel [i]20[/i] miles for most of my relatives, and the ones I would do it for I'd only be able to manage about 500. You are definitely in the top 10 for best. [quote=LancerDancer]Sorry guys, It's going to have to wait until tomorrow. My employer has seen fit that I write up loads of meeting minutes, without pay and in my own time, because they're a bunch of c*nts. Gonna do a real nasty rush job, fuck em.[/quote] Fuck 'em.