Sybila was already waiting inside the tavern, seated at one of the tables with one leg casually folded over the other. The young woman didn't seem at all fazed by the on goings inside the tavern and was perfectly content to sit by herself watching her surroundings with an amused expression. Amnesia had asked her to keep an eye out, to see how things would progress. Koshei and Flo were waiting outside in those hideous coats H.A.N.D made them wear. If the outcome of her vision shifted and they required back up she would warn them. No Katerina wouldn't be caught dead wearing a coat like that. She was used to providing for herself from her teens and spent all the money she earned on herself, buying the finer things. Out of all the team members she had the best spot, sitting comfortably out of the rain. As someone who had gotten used to the best she always made sure she got it. Waiting by herself and without a drink was eating away at her patience. She grew bored very quickly and was looking for something or better yet someone to entertain her. This prohibition law was ridiculous and in this tavern took it a little bit too serious. Strange considering everything that was going on behind the closed doors of the back rooms. She knew everything there was to know about this place the minute she walked in and touched the table. Images and scenes of the tavern's past flashed before her. It had started out innocent enough, a small family business which grew corrupt very quickly once it began to serve the American underworld. Once you went that down road there really was no turning back. She propped her head up in her hands and the tip of her black heels tapped the floor impatiently. There had been no need to go undercover in her case since she hadn't visited the tavern before, so nobody recognized her. She went in as a regular patron, yet the way she was dressed seemed to suggest she had business in the back room. She wore a shimmering black beaded dress and her long curly locks flowed down her shoulders and back. The bob styled wig she sometimes had on was only necessary to change up her look for undercover purposes. She scanned the tavern a second time, her mysterious brown eyes passing over everyone inside. Both Amnesia and Marquis hadn't entered yet, she would have known if they did. [i]Once they're inside, I'm out.[/i]