The kiss shared between her mother and father made Ava smile and she looked down at Blizzard in time to see him shake his head and huff. She laughed and patted his side. He was a dragon and so of course she couldn't expect him to be interested in the affections humans usually gave one another. So, she merely smiled and watched as her mother mounted Aurora once more, not even noticing her father looking at Blizzard and taking off before Blizzard took off after Toothless, causing Ava to yelp and cling to the dragon in surprise to keep from falling of when he suddenly shot out into the sky, going at very quick speeds. She stayed as low as she could against Blizzard, an unsure look on her face. She had no idea which ways he was going to turn or anything of that sort. The only clue she got to which turns they would take was that they were following her father and so whatever turn he took, Blizzard would take it as well, but with jerkier or more jarred turns. Still, it was fun and even made Ava laugh a few times. If she could fly like this every day for the rest of her life, she would die a happy woman. Hitting into one of those tall natural towers was not fun though. She saw they would hit just a moment before they did and she cried out in surprise, leaning down against him as tight as she could, getting his when some of the smaller rocks that came from it, though not big enough to hurt her. She blinked a moment, dazed from the impact with the wind knocked out of her for the moment as Blizzard zoomed back into the sky, her father and Toothless going to hover there in front of them. Ava wasn't too worried about their little mistake. After all, neither of them got hurt at least and it was just something to learn from. Blizzard though, didn't seem too happy and refused to even acknowledge him, jerking away from his touch. Ava looked up at her father though and smiled brightly, "Yeah! That'd be great. It'd give something for me and Blizzard to practice on. Huh, boy?" She asked, smiling down at him fondly, petting his head.