"Your mother packed you chestnut rice and a new Ahlspiess for your staff. Your father made some Cat Buns and this skull. He was rather hasty so he isn't sure what magic is inside of it, if there is any at all, but hopefully you're make use of it anyways. Now than, are we ready to go?" Said Andari, Ralthavar's Worgan. He arrived to the school today with some gifts for Ralthavar and all the other Worgans belonging to the orcs, at around twenty or so given that a few also had pups. Ralthavar was eating one of his father's cat buns as he was also reading a letter from the family. [b]"It's too bad I can't take the Harmonious First out there. I'm sure we'd take the Black Gate if we were at full strength."[/b] Folding the piece of paper into one of his pouches Ralthavar cracked his neck and began to walk towards the orc forts. Ever since the orcs had the Headmaster's clearance, they made quick work of the surrounding forest. They converted the wood into support beams, used the school's workshops to create furniture and metal structures, and magic to draw ore strait from the ground itself. This resulted in a construction that utterly dwarfed the ice fort that the orcs originally made.The first thing that the academy would see would be the [url=http://i.imgur.com/0GQLRiK.jpg]gates[/url]. Without the need to restrict themselves, the they put their hearts into making it truly "Orky". Which meant a lot of fire and pointy bits. The gate itself was taller than the original fortress, and has in fact replaced the fortress. And to replace the fortress, veritable [url=http://i.imgur.com/OucIGwI.jpg]citadel[/url] of stone, metal, and wood stood beyond the gates, at least a ten times larger than the fortress once was. It was large and sturdy enough to even support the likes of Biggy and Ier, and in fact had specific accommodations to deal with both. Even with a hundred orcs inside, there was plenty of room. It was so large in fact, Ralthavar had to convince other students to hang around the fortress just so it doesn't feel so empty. He had written a letter back home after the initial construction of the fort to ask more families to send their children to the academy, as the fortress also had dormitory space for at least another five hundred. Ralthavar of course had free reign of the fortress, as well as the best spot; the [url=[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Ki9AL3r.jpg[/IMG]]very top[/url]. His original dorm has been largely converted into holding space for his school supplies, at least the ones that had nothing to do with weapons or armor. There he did most of the orc's accounting and making sure that they were not overspending and that everyone was getting their fair share of pay. Most of the had a good idea of what their pay ought to be, however it was Ralthavar's business to make sure the school wasn't trying to sell them out short. Ralthavar walked through the fortress with Andari, and though everyone was busy doing something, neither two had to worry about bumping into anyone with the large spaces. Ralthavar was heading towards the armory where he kept some of his weapons. Some, being that the orcs also started to make new weapons in the event that they lost, broke, or got bored with what they already had. They also began to research new weapons from the Earthlings, the first and foremost being the chainsaw and machine guns. They wanted to weaponize the screaming metal terror, and they felt that the machine guns should shoot more bullets, to the point that a short burst ought to be able to cut down (Or otherwise obliterate) a small forest of tress. It was a work in progress and certainly gave the orcs something to do, outside of working on relations or school. Once Ralthavar reached his personal armory, he took his former magic staff and the Ahlspiess to a magical rune circle. Here he would use a Warlock ritual to change the focusing device from his staff to the Ahlspiess. A simple enough task, but than he also had to look what sort of power was inside the skull his father sent to him. A simple enough task, one that he did commonly enough back at home that he was able to finish as soon as he changed the focus. The skull belonged to an Arcane Caster, or also known as a wizard. A type of spell caster who gained their power through book learning, so basically a contrast of a warlock. It didn't matter to Ralthavar however, as power was power, and there was much inside this skull. He added it to his Ahlspiess along with the other skulls, and once his magic spear was complete Ralthavar went to retreive his other weapons, such as his battle axe, the Boulderhead Mace, and his smashing board. Also known as a shield with a spike. He also brought his shotgun, and even had this interesting device which he could use to quickly take shotgun shells out, but would otherwise be safely secure. And if it wasn't for the fact that Ralthavar intended to bring Andari, he would have worn his heavy plate armor, but since he did plan to bring his Wargon along Ralthavar opted for an armored coat and his Unicorn Helmet. Silly as it sounded, visually it was a unicorn's skull that served as a full helmet, not only protecting his face and head, but also giving him the unicorn's magical and often powerful horn as a weapon. A recent invention the orcs made after they discovered the creature while clearing out the forest. Once armed and armored, Ralthavar and Andari left the fortress after eating a hearty meal and receiving some buffs from the local mages. They would last them a few hours, which was good since they were going to embark on a mission. The school was going to take various students into the Black Gate to face the obstacle within. Ralth would be working in small groups with a few strangers he knew, as well as Ayaka, who he knew rather intimately. From what he could gather, most of his allies would do well in a melee, but not so much at range. But than again he didn't really know much about his potential allies even after they demonstration, so they could always provide a good surprise. Ralthavar arrived with others at the same location where the griffons dropped them off the first day. Soon new creatures came to pic them up; metal vehicles that were substantially less graceful and subdue than the griffons, but also were much more powerful. Raltahvar had to brace himself with his Ahlspiess to make sure he didn't get knocked over from the gust of wind the vehicles produced. Seeing that Biggy and Ier was here, he figured that the school provided these constructs in order to carry both of them towards their destination. One the vehicles landed, Ralthavar and Andari filed into one of the flying contraptions. The trip to the mission area was a relatively short one, about thirty minutes or so. Ralthavar was excited to be honest. It had been at least two weeks since he last got to kill something that wasn't made of wood. Soon he heard gunfire from the other vehicles signalling their arrival. He looked outside the window and was in awed as he saw automatic fire tear through the small guard of monstrous creatures, finished off with dragon fire. Once the landing zone was clear Ralthavar donned his helmet and got onto Andari's back. [b]"It will be good to hunt with you again, my friend."[/b] "Likewise. Now let's go. It's been too long since I've torn something apart." --- Though Mary didn't make too many friends, she didn't lose spirit. She just figured that without Biggy, she wasn't all that... Impressive. She knew that though she'll never admit it. And with some new gear, she hopes she wouldn't have to either. During her off hours she managed to develop three fully function weapons that she could use without the assistance of Biggy or her drones. One was a [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110209061702/fallout/images/b/bb/ScreenShot28png.png]Repulsar Fist[/url]; using a magnetic accelerators powered by a energy cell, she could release a recoilless but high-impact burst of energy from her fist. It was short range, but for what she needed it for she wouldn't need it beyond arm's length. Though mostly untested, Mary hopes to make use of it here today. She also had two unique firearms; she disliked the noise and handling of guns, so she made beam weapons instead. Her primary was a [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110721140309/fallout/images/6/69/LAER.png]Laser Assisted Electronic Rifle[/url], which uses energy produced from a fusion battery to fire either a sustained beam of heat energy at a target, or powerful but short bursts. And as a side arm she also had what she calls a [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110208225053/fallout/images/9/9d/Pulse_gun.png]Pulse Gun[/url], it was a mix of a stun gun and an EMP. Highly effective against malfunctioning drones, and even against biological targets it'll shock their nervous systems and possibly paralyze them. Again, untested and the results are mostly hypothetical. But now was as good of a time to test them as any other. Mary also armed Biggy with his usual armament. She activated his Microfusion Breeder to enable his energy weapons and supplied bullets and rockets to his guns, as well as lubricated his pistons in order to activate his "Sudden Impact" attack. Mary also began to work on some new drones, however they could not be completed to functional use by the time the mission would begin, so she had to make due with just Biggy. The last thing Mary did before having breakfast was done her school's uniform. She tried to get use to wearing the armored variant, however she disliked how hard it was to breath in it, so she opted for the standard uniform instead. Mary's breakfast was simple [url=http://i.imgur.com/1RlUrj9.jpg]eggs, bacon, tomatoes, and spinach[/url], downed with a glass of orange juice. It was filling and gave Mary lots of energy, and she'll need it for today. Once she finished breakfast she went back to Biggy and entered the cockpit. She headed towards the landing zone where the griffons first dropped them off. There was some of the others already present, which made Mary even more excited. Teams have already been formed and when she saw who she had to work with, she introduced herself. [b]"I am Mariam Machina, but you can call me Mary."[/b] She said while still inside of Biggy. Not much else was said on the trip there, and Mary was so excited she didn't even take notice of how long it took. She had stayed inside of Biggy, who was strapped to the bottom of the carriers, and once the area was clear and they landed, Mary was almost tempted to give a energetic shout. But she held it in, sweat on her hands, ready to show her stuff. Chris mentioned being in charge of the group, which was fine with her. she was just excited to get this show on the road.