[b]Name[/b] : Fawn Neverhart [b]Nickname/Alias[/b] : The Puppeteer [b]Age[/b] : 19 [b]DOB[/b] : January 7th [b]Gender[/b] : Female [b]Sexuality[/b] : Bisexual [b]Appearance[/b] : [URL=http://asset-d.soup.io/asset/2936/8183_d6b8.jpeg]Her appearance[/url] [b]Other Details[/b] : Currently does not affiliate herself with any particular guild. She simply pops in, grabs a job, and leaves. [b]Personality[/b] : Fawn is a rather chill young woman. She is almost always seen smiling or laughing at anything or anyone. To many, she may seem rather strange, but she's actually a ray of sunshine. Despite her constant appearance of being happy, she is rather broken on the inside. She can become very dark and depressed within moments, and her temper is nothing to shake a finger at. The moment she becomes angry, it's best that you turn tail and make a break for it, although you won't get very far before she rips you a new one. Despite her temper, she is someone who many wish to befriend. She will treat you like she trusts you initially, but perhaps it's best to realize that she's simply testing you to see if you have the mind and metal that it takes to earn her trust. She does not trust easily and will prove to you that her trust is something that you will most certainly desire, as she is easily bought and sold with money or fame if she does not like the way that you treat her. Because her help is easily purchased, she has been to hell and back, acting as a goody-two-shoes and a heinous villain; she has no preference for which, so long as there is plenty of gold involved. The moment that you come across her, it is recommended that you trust her and earn hers in return, for it will be beneficial to your health. [b]Arsenal[/b] : [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJVY3XsTRi9-lNuM6YFcc3r9aotld138FOntXlmD9epJ6UZL7LKQ]Mercury[/url] - A mechanical squirrel. Mostly used for gathering information or being used as a distraction. You can usually find him on Fawn's shoulder. [url=http://www.johndaviesgallery.com/galleries/large/Fox.jpg]Neptune[/url] - A mechanical fox. Moves a lot more quickly than you'd believe. He is swift and has a powerful bite. [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLqp1MlRxmUaFA8k9dSHtHZdZybPyx0U9xuYVcie8GrtbzdJOP]Saturn[/url] - A mechanical owl. Has the ability to fly and is practically silent. His talons and beak are nothing to scoff at. His wings are also made from sharp blades, so watch your back, else you might found them embedded there. [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dLvrD9GQ8vU/TZ0T7819xmI/AAAAAAAACbs/hJkXdpLQbM0/s1600/02.jpeg]Jupiter[/url] - A mechanical cheetah. She is very strong, swift, and rather intelligent for a mechanical creature. [b]Magic Type[/b] : Holder [b]Mage Rank[/b] : Mage / Is not on the scale due to her lack of guild measurement. [b]Magic[/b] : Mechanical Menagerie [b]Spells[/b] : [b]No Strings Attached[/b] - A spell that allows Fawn to bond herself with a mechanical creature of her choosing, putting part of her spirit into it. It is a temporary spell, so when she looses consciousness or wishes to end the 'contract', she may end the control over it. [b]Planets Aligned[/b] - If she manages to summon all of her mechanical beasts, she is able to create a beam of energy that contains the four elements. Usually used as a last resort. [b]Biography[/b] : Fawn was born just outside of Magnolia in a small cottage. Her parents were both very poor and didn't have much that they could give to her as a child, but because her father worked on clocks (as a Clock Mage), he would make her mechanical animals to the best of his abilities. These creatures were her only friends as a child, especially when her father passed away when she was thirteen. Because they could not obtain money through any other means, her mother ended up going into Magnolia to work as a prostitute. From there on out, she rarely saw her mother. She didn't mind it all that much, though, because her mechanical creatures gave her enough company as is. A few months later, she found her father's notes one morning while she was cleaning the house, and noticed that he had left letters to her, explaining that he had known that he was dying and all of the little things that he had witnessed her doing while she was growing up. When she read that he had seen her make her creatures physically come to life before his very eyes. At that moment, it hit her that they had not been created to move as they pleased or to have the intelligence that they possessed. She was a mage. With that thought, she packed her bags and decided that there was nothing left for her to do but to accept her fate as a mage and move along. Leaving behind her father's unfinished creatures. Of course, she would return whenever she had a moment, but has not returned until just recently. [b]Other[/b] : Her Holder Item is her father's pocketwatch, allowing her to summon the creatures as she pleases.