[quote=Dinh AaronMk] To be right or wrong is a purely subjective thing. You could examine every possible fact, grand or small, and still not come to a conclusion any one action is better than the other or anymore "correct". To assume this matter has moral absolutes just dillutes the Hell out of it.On one side you have Missouri law over whether or not you can shoot someone if they could very possible be armed. For all the officer knew Brown was armed and in any one of the scenarios revealed by eyewitness testimony there was a chance he was reaching for a weapon to shoot the officer. You then have the matter than he did assault the officer, though this in itself would not be grounds to shoot him. However the assumption that he would be armed provided enough grounds for there to be action.On the other side we have a dead 18 year old who we now know was not armed, and could have acted differently to change the course of action (however he was dumb enough to not). This also acts as a platform to discuss Missouri's self-defense laws (which I haven't seen anyone do) and police militarization (which I've only see other police debates discuss actually).In the end it came down to a sample of the local population to make a unanimous decision on the Brown case provided the pages of forensic and physical evidence and hours of often conflicting witness testimony. In the end, it was this body that elected to give a pass on the case and not pass an indictment on which to charge the officer. Because to that end: he was acting inside the law.The unfortunate thing about this case if that it's become too political. And too political for very possibly the wrong reason and on the wrong subject. And now it's blown up.Therefore, it is bullshit and should be swept aside so we can try to argue about something new while keeping our head on straight. [/quote] Again, I don't care enough to get into the details. All I see is people looting businesses and causing unnecessary damage to the community.