[quote=Robeatics] A lot of people seem to love to mention that Mike Brown was an alleged criminal before his encounter with Darren Wilson as if that justifies anything at all. If it is believed to explain his alleged agression then I can only ask why he would be so suicidal/violent in the first place, regardless of criminal record. If it is only offhandedly mentioned as some kind of justification for his death then, damn, I very much encourage the regular execution of all petty theives and online pirates as well. Cover the bases. [/quote] Not really an "alleged" criminal. There's security footage of him using physical force to steal things from people. It's not so much that petty thieves should be summarily executed, but given that Mike Brown kind of gives credit to the whole self-defense theory. Had Mike Brown been a nice gentle giant who liked to hug orphaned baby penguins, then it would be a lot more fair to call "bullshit!" when someone claims they were attacked by him. However, since Brown is was a criminal who liked to use physical violence to his personal gain, the claim that they were attacked seems more plausible. Imagine if you will: A police officer who hasn't been known to cause trouble (and even has a commendation) encounters a person who's a known violent criminal. The latter is shot. My conclusion would likely not be that the police officer lynched the guy. It would simply be out-of-character for Wilson to shoot a guy because he's black, but it would not be out of character for Brown to punch a police officer.