[quote=hamoflague] There is a little bit of a plot to this, but I won't give any spoilers. Also I think Veritisu forgot to ask for weapon damage types (e.g. machine guns would be kinetic damage [cause pf slug], rail guns would be kinetic and EMP/Thermal [One of the two depending on the type of railgun used as some shoot and create heat while others leave an electronic charge], Missiles would also be explosive and either EMP/Thermal/Kinetic depending on the type of missile) and what you believe your shield type is based of the ships origin universe [e.g. Star Wars ships would be resistant to Thermal Weapons more than any other type of weapon because they fought with particle cannons (lasers don't cause explosions on impact].I'm still working on the opening post so at least I can show you guys I actually did care and I'm sad that I probably won't be able to join you. But stuff happens so you gotta just go with it. [/quote] Thank you for the bit about resistances, I totally forgot it.