She cackles softly, and cannot help but grin. "It was not a challenge, but I'd be honored to see first hand your combat skills.” she dipped her head slightly in appreciation of the gesture. “And on the earlier note, as I said, you know how things should be. You operate on a basis of honor, and you prefer it when things are done just like that, just as I said." she chortles softly. As far as my query, which I suppose wasn't really meant to be answered, your story more or less mirrors my own, though you had the opportunity to be trained, a professional warrior ... I on the other hand, well, the choices I made gave me no such wonders.” “As rumors went, I was the bastard child of an Elven priestess and her human lover. Why they decided to discard me, I haven’t the slightest idea other than the world is a cold and cruel place.” Her voice grew slightly colder, but there was a distant look in her eyes, she pulled a small locket out from under her shirt and idly fiddled with it as she spoke. Reminiscing over the past wasn't a particularly favored past time. “Where I grew up, I had no one on my side, especially not the priests or paladins who I often disappointed. But I suppose it had its perks at times. While living with your back pressed up against the wall often left you stiff, awkward and lonely, you never had to worry about someone stabbing it, or whether or not someone would have it in your time of need.” Her posture stiffened slightly, finally letting go of the locket dangling around her neck, she dug her hands into the pockets of her vesture and shrugged softly. “Sometimes, I’d just like to stab fate in the eyes” her lips curl into a small smirk, humor once more curbing the depressing story of her past, “having just gotten used to the solace of solitude, and here comes destiny, sweeping in with someone I just ‘have’ to meet” she chortles softly, side glancing in his direction.