[hider=19th Clan] -Realm name: 19th Clan '''We are no pissing rats! We are no weaklings that lay on our backs and let others trample over us. We are the 19th and final clan of proudest rats since the 1th Clan to ever wander!'' Mierak Rat-Queen -Flag/Banner:[Img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=4&c1=4&c2=3&c3=5&o=4&c4=0&s=10&c5=4[/img] -Capital: Firewroth -Government Type: Unstable Despotism (Minior Kingdom) -Currency: Small clay or wood disk, called ''G'a'' and ''B'a'' respectably -Population: 2 Million -Realm Size: 17 -Unique Trait #1: Unending Swarm: The 19th clan is nothing if good at swarming, happy sacrificing tons and tons of soldiers to achieve victory. -Unique Trait #2: Tenacious Survivalists: (The Ratpeople of the 19th Clan are if nothing else utterly determined to survive. Their unrivaled will to survive is perhaps the only force strong enough to keep their chaotic state running. The 19th Clan will never give up on survival. There will be no despair, no giving up. They will struggle through anything and everything to live. While they may fear for their lives (In fact their fear and existential dread is likely what fuels this survivalist mentality) they will never abandon it for peace. The 19th Clan are prepared for anything. They will forsake any luxury, sacrifice any unnecessary weight or push through impossible odds to simply live on. Practical Effect: Extremely tenacious civilian populace. Soldiers will fight frantically to the death more viciously than other races when cornered. Soldiers will never surrender, however they may retreat and often. Soldiers that are retreating are actually more effective fighters rather than weaker and are more likely to get away. Full existential war mentality includes large stockpiles of food and a mentally prepared civilian populace ready for the end of days) -Unique Flaw #1 Stable as a rocky log: The only thing keeping this ''Kingdom'' together is the fact that Mierak has en Iron will and plenty of assassins on hand. One small misstep and... -Unique Flaw #2: Preemptive Withdrawal: (The fanatical survivalist mentality of the 19th Clan Ratpeople also causes them to be highly susceptible to retreating. While VERY GOOD at retreating, they are still retreating, making this devastating for strategists and tacticians who need decisive victories. The 19th Clan are comprised of extremely cautious minds, too cautious some would claim while their soldiers are willing to run at the soonest sine of a battle siding in the enemies favour, commanders are unwilling to make risky moves for fear of putting their armies into situations they can not retreat from. Practical Effect: Low morale, high chance of fleeing in battles pitched against them but still have an opening to retreat. High chance of fighting defensively rather than attacking. Commanders less likely to make risky moves) GEOGRAPHICAL -World-Realm Map: [Img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2nbvp7b.png[/img] -Major Cities: Firewroth: The capital of the 19th tribe used to be a old human settlement from the looks of it. Its clearly not Ratmen architecture since that tends to be alot smaller. The walls looks old and dated from the outside, but never the less can withstand quite a bit of pounding. There is also several tunnel exists inside the walls of the city, where rats can come from the other parts of this far-flung kingdom, to engage in trade. Since this is also a central hub, its quite rich by Clan standards and houses the main armoury. Zzzeaak: Impossible to spell or say (not even the Clansrats have united on what to call it) Zzeeaak is a small and shoddy looking town, with small houses made of rock and ugly looking wood. This place however, holds quite a bit of importance to the Clan, it has been for as long as any member can remember, a traditional breeding ground. Hence most who live are males breeders, massive bags of fat and meat with little to no intelligence, witch the Rat-females often uses to get pregnant. -Major Castles: Olds End: Another stolen settlement, Olds End used to belong to some sort of race of Giants, since the walls are high, tall and made of sturdy stone. This race bones still lay around buried just below the settlement. But whoever use to rule it, now its Clan's land. Its here where most Warriors are trained, armed and sent out to fight for the glory of the Last Clan. This place also procedures the sliver powder used both as a combat drug called ''Sliver'' from the bones down in the earth. -Buildings of Interest: -Geographic Features of Interest: Several long tunnels exist under the several swamps witch makes up the Clans territory. This allows the underground rats to move quickly and keep in contact with each other RACIAL -Majority Race: Beastoid(Ratpeople) -Majority Race Appearance: Members of the 19th clan looks like humanoid rats walking on there two back-legs. They tend to be shorter than the average human but tend to be faster, since they can often drop the ground and sprint with all four appendages firmly on the ground. Since birth, the genders of Clansfolk are split, so every male is raised to be a breeder (and get his tail cut) and every female assumes a active roll in society. -Majority Race Characteristics: The Clansfolk are notoriously fast to reproduce, often spitting out four to five offspring per impregnation hence there is always alot of rat-folk. Fur colour tends to change where they live, and since most live in swamp it takes on a slightly slickly green colour witch does not make them look peculiarly healthy. Since every clan member worth her hide is a political monster, the 19th clan has gotten a bad rap for being unreliable, often unstable from drug abuse and very readily backstabber. 19th clan members can grow surprising old. RELIGION & MAGIC -State Religion: The 19th Clan worships the 1th Clan as race of gods and saviours, as the greatest that has ever walked. -Religious Information 1th Clan based worship centres around burning things that has value to the burner, hence it can be money, weapons, plants or even political rivals. When the sacrifice has been given, the 1th Clan will acknowledge the Clan members existence and perhaps even raise the members status inside the afterlife. The religion promotes values based on ruthlessness and politics. Also it promotes the inferiority of the male population of the Clan, proclaiming that they are former females that did not burn enough goods to ensure a place in the afterlife. Hence -Religion Demographics: Because of the political nature of most rats, there are several sub-cults worshipping different clan numbers, even if these tend to be short lived. For example: The current ruler Mierak (somewhat officaly) worships the 2th clan, The clan of Wizards who during their lifetime (if the myth is to be believed) created the swamp lands that the 3th and foward, clans now use as their homelands. -Holy Relics In Possession: Banner of Lord U'ktak: The first and greatest empress of the Clan, she ruled a kingdom engrossing all of the lands from the north to the south. She was however, killed by her Husband and lover, who's name has been erased by time, known only as ''Traitor''. Her banner however, still hangs in Firewroth, just above the ruling chair of the currently supreme leader The Swamp Sword: Mierak's worship of the 2th clan has manifested in her choice of weapon, a ''holy'' relic of power called ''The Swamp Sword'', a green and rusty looking weapon that is non-the less dangerous then a ''real'' sword. It is said, that if used properly, it could turn any land in to a swamp. MILITARY -Total Military Size: 195000 female rats stand under arms and are split in to several regiments or ''Brood'' -Military Details: Fresh Brood: Unassigned and fresh out of the training yard, most common Clan members soldiers fight in massive block formations, armed with cheap spears and shields. If they survive they are promoted in to another Brood. Most however die, since commanders tend to use these as massive flesh walls to lock the enemy down. Blood Brood: Drug abuse is common among 19th clan members, and in this regiment its required, since these mad berserker fight always under the effect of ''Sliver'' witch often causes internal bleeding (hence the name) that later starts pumping out the eyes and mouth, giving a gruesome look. They tend to army themselves with anything they can get the hands on, again creating a hodgepodge unit with rusty stolen axes, musket broken off to use as spears and so on. Lighting Brood: The closest thing the clan gets to an elite guard, Lighting Brood is a sworn defender of 19th, with heavy elite armour, and two-handed swords. They tend to draw their members from the best of the Fresh Brood survivors, armed them with real weapons and then advanced training. This creates a solid and elite guard, that tries to be apolitical (it fails obviously). Razor Brood: Some Clans members have the skills needed to use a brand new weapon called ''The Ratsket'' witch its a clear and obvious musket, only designed somewhat different. It fires a quite a massive bore (round) and is slower the most bullets (hence lesser penetration). The black-power substitute is called ''Golder'' is made from a mix of swamp flower and ''Sliver'' witch together creates quite and explosive powder. Most Razor Brood are more arrogant then most soldiers, and consider themselves elite. Shadow Brood: An unofficial regiment, this is 19th clans assassins, infamous inside and outside of the Kingdom as skilled and dangerous. However, they are also incredibly greedy and often used as political tool by the rats in power, hence they tend not to field themselves as normal troops. When they do, they are often scouts or quick lightings strike forces. NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE -Head of State/Monarch: Mierak Rat-Queen: The current ruler of the 19th, Mierak has an iron grip on the throne, and keeps by eliminating any contender that has so far been foolish enough to challenge her. -Persons of interest: Ghenna, Mistress of Shadow: A close advisor to the current Queen, Ghenna keeps her own ambitions low to the ground, until time is right. For now however, she keeps a close eye on the Shadow brood HEROIC DRAMATIS PERSONAE Armeilia Ambassador and Warrior: Daughter to the current queen, Armeila was born for greatness. Unlike most brood members, she got real training amongst the finest of tutors, warriors and scholars. She however, not live up the ''greatness'' she was promised, instead in a very unclanish way she made herself happy with the ambassador position, using a life of travel and diplomacy over power play and intrigue. She haven't seen her mother in what feels like decades. Apperance: A large rat (by the standards of the clan) who unlike most clan members, bears a fine robe when abroad, with a long rapier as her side arm. Her fur is well kept and is white with spots of green and unlike most rats, has a blue eye colour. CULTURAL -History: The 19th Clan is, as the name suggests the so called 19th incarnation of the rat beast folk. History is notoriously unkempt and regularly purged inside the Clan incarnations, but other historical sources outside of the clan tell, that there has always been a rat-type beast folk. Where they come from however, is unknown. Their seem to be different kind of rat-folk at-lest historically, and that these breeds shifted both in size and fur colour. The 19th Clan states that these races are long dead siblings, killed by the Darkness or political antagonism. It also seems the name of the Clan and its number changes every time a new monarch is appointed, hence the current 19th. -List of Historical Grievances As a nation that has such a fierce political structure, the 19th clan's history is filled with grievances, either caused by them or countered on them for their own backstabber nature, almost all races have some issue or another with the ratkin. Most Clan members brush it off ''It was the 11th clan, we are the 14th clan'' and so on. -Relations: (Happily build some) [/hider]