Name: Gwennyth Harlow Age: 20 Species: Human Appearance: [img=] Bio: Growing up, she always believed that there was something else out there... something inhuman. Secretly, she always had a deep fascination with witchcraft and as a child, pretended to make potions with mud, worms and rain water. She was always labelled as a "daydreamer" as she always had a big imagination, believing that somewhere, there was a land filled with magical creatures. But when she hit high school and became fascinated with science, she started to lose hope in ever finding unnatural beings. In particular, she delved into natural medicines and DNA and the days of her concocting potions turned into acid synthesis and genome structure. While studying, she tried to make a living by creating medicines from herbs and other natural organisms but again, she was rejected and frowned upon by many. Some even called her a witch, even though her medicines were effective cures. It was only with great luck that she ended up scoring herself an internship in Washington DC as a junior DNA analyst. But the day they found the pyramid, the city that ridiculed her for believing turned into the magical land she had always dreamed of. But is it really as good as she hoped?