[a robotic female voice can be heard] Location arrived. releasing unit-7an1kaz1. starting decontamination. there is a tiny little room with a person sitting in the corner sleeping [tanikazi]. the room is full of gas. the gas is sucked into a bunch of vents *where am I?* I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I was in a room. the room was dark green and very dirty. *still here?* I got up and then all of a sudden I heard that damm voice again "Decontamination complete now releasing" *yes still here* a big white door all of a suddenly opens and reveals a hallway. pissed off I walked through the door and saw a big dark green hallway *those damm robots are probably still here I should be careful* walked through the hallway and then looked to my right to see a brokenish robot I screamed and kicked it over. the robot was broken and shut down long before I awoken it seemed all of a suddenly I feel a big headache and clutch my head. seeing my entire past blur before my eyes. being born. 6 birthday. 16th birthday. fighting for my life. joining the new order. fighting again. and suddenly I'm here. then I notice something at the corner of my eye. I turn around and there is millions of cells. each holding different creatures *why am I here? who took me here? it all doesn't matter. what matters is I get out of here and head back to The new order HQ and rejoin the fight*