[quote=Protagonist] Imagine if you will: A police officer who hasn't been known to cause trouble (and even has a commendation) encounters a person who's a known violent criminal. The latter is shot. My conclusion would likely not be that the police officer lynched the guy. It would simply be out-of-character for Wilson to shoot a guy because he's black, but it would not be out of character for Brown to punch a police officer. [/quote] According to Wilson's testimony, Mike Brown punched him with his right arm, and only seconds after saying that he also said the boy held a box of cigarillos in his right hand. Even if Brown had attacked Wilson, what reason would Wilson have for shooting him as he ran away? And what reason would Brown have for "bulking up" and charging at him as he was being shot? It's just all incredibly suspicious. Wilson's prosecutor has several family members in the police force, which means he was pretty obviously in support of Wilson. This was meant to answer questions and leave little doubt as to what happened but Wilson's story is just very difficult to believe.