Emily sat in the corner tapping the ground with a stick she had grabbed before she was led in here while she took it all in. She counted everyone again, but stopped once she reached five. She had never been in a room with this many people before. It was facinating! There were a few people hanging back, she took note of them but did not dwell on them for too long, her main focus was on the twins! and subsequently the noisy boy... or maybe it was a girl. Either way she had never seen twins before! She had read about them of course, but never actually seen one. Were they french? They were speaking french. But they were speaking a lot of other languages too. Did that mean they were from a lot of different countries? They were supposed to have psychic powers right? She crept ever so slightly closer to one, the female, the one with weird colored hair, and poked it in the side with her stick, then jumped back, holding her stick up defensively looking at it with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.