[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] "Higher ground?" The bespectacled boy watched as she pulled down the fire escape before moving to follow her, not entirely certain of her plan. Perhaps it was to make it easier to look for people? It kind of made sense. As he approached, he realized that he never actually caught her name. That probably wasn't the best way to go about meeting people. "Ah...I'm sorry that I forgot...but my name is Sonja. And it's not a girl's name where I'm from, so please don't start on that." One of the reasons why he had always preferred books to people was because of the teasing that he used to get for his name. People here just didn't seem to get it when he was a bit younger, and the fact that he had actually looked a bit more feminine back then probably didn't help his case. It hadn't been a problem for a while now, but it still remained a habit of his to expect it. [/quote] Jess put out her hand. "Jess Juno. It's not a girl's name where I'm from either." She joked. "You can call me by either name." She said giving a half smile.