Ava listened to what her father had to say carefully, and did as he said without any argument, placing her hands near his neck and indeed there was certain signs she was beginning to notice after he said that. The way his body would move or turn. She watched as her father demonstrated, staying where she was with her dragon and could really see what he meant. The way her father leaned with his dragon, it was like they were one being. It was like he wasn't riding on a dragon, but riding really [i]with[/i] his dragon. She hoped one day she could be that way as well once she and Blizzard got some practice in together. She smiled at her father when he came back, only to gasp in shock as he purposely fell from his dragons back, eyes wide with surprise and worry, only to sigh in relief when Toothless caught him again. She nodded when he came back up, saying he wanted to make a strap, as well as commenting on how what they had done had spooked Blizzard. She grinned slightly, "It cared me too. I'm not used to seeing people dive so willingly off of a dragon's back." She patted Blizzard as he grumbled his disdain, laughing quietly, only to look up when the quick flapping of wings caught her ears, signalling another dragon was coming. Castiel had been hanging back, allowing Hiccup some father daughter time with Ava, but when she saw Astrid coming at such a pace,s he knew this was going to be something important and flew a little closer, managing to pick up the words stealing and daughter. She frowned and could only guess what this was going to be about, especially from the angry look on her husband's face. She made eye contact with him and nodded to him, signing that she was going to take Ava home before she turned to the younger girl. Ava seemed confused, and obviously hadn't heard what Astrid had told Hiccup over the winds and flapping of dragon wings. Her mother did her best to smile at her, signing for her to follow her back home and help fix lunch. Ava was curious as to what her father seemed so upset about, but her mother had managed to momentarily distract her and she nodded, slowly following her mother back down to the house. There she helped her mother start on the stew, but whatever was going on right now kept coming to her mind. Why had Astrid come so frantically? And why did her father seemed so upset, angry even? After putting the last of the vegetables in the stew, she looked over to see her mother reading a book and distracted for the time being. Maybe while the stew was cooking she could go out and find her father to see what was going on. So, she quietly made her way tot eh door, so as no to disturb her mother, her mother not looking up until she heard the door to their home close. Eyes wide, Castiel was quick to make i to the door, but by this time, Ava was gone out of sight. Giving a frustrated sigh, she began searching for her. never of them had heard where Hiccup had been going, meaning neither of them knew where he was. But Castiel could make the better guesses as she knew where everything was. And of course the first place she would go was the docks, where her husband was just approaching as well, the large man, who greatly resembled his father, standing there menacingly. It was just a few seconds after Castiel had arrived a the docks, that Ava came as well, seeming happy to have found her father, but when she saw Einar, her eyes widened and she slowly took a few steps back, a worried and unsure look on her face, one hand on Blizzard as if ready to bolt if the man came after her.