[center][img=http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Mobile%20Uploads/0387E8F6-6CBE-4BE5-8EE5-9B4D517FD38B_zpsurzbvvfj.jpg][/center] [center]~•~Faeya~•~Female~•~17~•~ ~•~Born Power~•~ Able to draw things to life and control them to do her bidding. ~•~Personality~•~ She is very much a pessimistic. Faeya is kind of a darker girl, but is still very caring and will take anyone in if knows they are kind. She takes her craft seriously and is usually seen reading about the Arts, writing spells, drawing, or making potions. She is blunt and sarcastic with a stubborn, feisty edge to her heart. Faeya is very wise to the world and can be called an "old soul" as some would put it. ~•~Biography~•~ When Faeya was just a baby, both of her parents were murdered by a hunter. That Hunter adopted Faeya and raised her to hate herself, sometimes beating it into her. This Hunter kept her as a slave in every sense of the word. When his friends would come over, he would loan her to them as if she were property. She was to live in a seperate house from the hunter's family, so she lived in the shed as property. She eventually ran away and stumbled onto the Coven when she was drawing on the ground out of boredem and suddenly her drawing came to life as the Coven leader walked past her. The leader took her in and Faeya had been there ever since. ~•~Other~•~ She has a familiar named Shadow, which is a black cat with blue eyes. She usually walks around the house if she isn't by Faeya's side. Also, Faeya has scars on her body that will never go away. She usually dresses in black and dark colors and is sometimes messing around with facepaint. She is always doing something artsy or witchy.[/center]