|Faction Name:The Grand army of the republic |Universe: [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grand_Army_of_the_Republic] Star Wars [/url] |Summary in a Sentence: An army of clones led by a single jedi trying to bring order to his universe. |Description:The Kamionian cloning labs ended up on Mir due to a freak storm tearing them from their universe, a Jedi healer just happened to be in the labs and got caught up in this storm, seeing as all Jedi are high generals she offered to lead her troops into this new world. |Technology Level: Advanced, with laser weaponry and phase two armor as well as commando and Arc armors and training [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_trooper_armor] Armor [/url] [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Clone_trooper] This has everything you need to know from special forces groups, to their armaments [/url] |Magical or other Supernatural Powers: A single jedi with the force. |Magical/Technological Glitches: Technological glitches include the Jedi's lightsaber cutting out, and her connection to the force isn't as strong, on the trooper side of things include HUD problems, 1 in every 100 blaster packs not working, not having a fleet or a sizable air force, and only having one building for production of weapons, armor and vehicles, and only one other building for cloning. |Important People: +Name: Shalee Luc +Appearance: [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/093/1/7/Tanake_Trang__Jedi_by_ionen.jpg] +Role:High General of the new Grand Army of the republic. +Description: Shalee was a jedi healer who just happened to be in the area healing clones who were wounded in battle, when they were torn from their universe. Protocol called for a Jedi to lead the clone troopers and she was the only one available so she agreed. Despite only having basic commanding experience, she tries to command the clones effectively and fill in her role as their new leader, but she doubts her skills still. |Hex Location: On or next to Jurssasic park. |Terrain Type: Forested grass land. |Important Terrain Features:Their biome is pretty diverse with rivers and lakes, sheer cliff faces, and thick forests full of preadators. |Important Structures: Kaminoan cloning facility Manufacturing plant that produces everything the clones need The wall built to keep dinosaurs out.