Game Turn: Two[center][u][b]Operation: End Game[/b][/u][/center] [b]War:[/b] Unification War, Late [b]Location:[/b] South-east Yakima County. [b]Combatants:[/b] Yakima Republic vs Badlands Commonwealth [b]Back Story:[/b] The Unification War officially ended two years ago, after Republican forces comprehensively defeated the Badlands Commonwealth at the Battle of New Toppenish. However, whilst the Republic has been licking its wounds and rebuilding its battered military, the Commonwealth has sought to consolidate its surviving territories - all located in the South-east region of Old World Yakima County. Though militarily defeated, and lacking in both men and material, the Commonwealth's Merchant Parliament is stubbornly refusing to give up the struggle. Four promises of amnesty and peaceful annexation from the YR have been rejected, often with violent outcomes, and with the NCR possibly on the horizon, President Gordon Clearwater has called lights out on any peace agreement. He believes they need to be dealt with now or never, and with all means necessary. With this in mind, the Republic has mustered four of its standing armies, and dispatched them to the YR/Commonwealth borders to finally end a war was supposed to have ended two years ago. Starting with the Commonwealth stronghold of Sunnyside, the Republican army will finally begin its push to fully unify all original members of the Yakima Grand Alliance (the Republic's political forerunner) under a single flag. [b]Operations Map[/b] [Hider=Space Saver] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] [b]Missions:[/b] [i]Refer to Operations Map for corresponding mission numbers.[/i] Mission #1 [b]Republican Armies Involved:[/b] First Battalion, Rifle Infantry [b]Mission Objective:[/b] The Commonwealth are on the run, and their remaining forces in the area have fallen back to Sunnyside. You are to join the 1st Republic Energy force in destroying whatever remains of their army in the city. Intel from the observation post to the city's south indicates there is a moderate civilian presence. It seems the Commonwealth are not beyond hiding behind women and children. Kill who you must to complete your goal, but do not actively engage civilian elements with intent to destroy. Finally, the "7th Freedom Brigade" has surged into the area, apparantly with hopes of evicting us from Sunnyside and its airport. We're planning on the Martin Rangers destroying a portion of the force, and that our guys over at the airport will tie down another, but expect some of them to make it through. [b]Enemy Strength:[/b] The Commonwealth units in Sunnyside are a defeated force, and in pitiful condition. They have no artillery, and are fighting mostly out of survival, as they fear certain death in the event of surrender. Intel puts their strength anywhere between three and six hundred, but with the civilians in the crossfire, it's been hard to pin down an exact number from the observation post. The elements of the 7th Freedom Brigade that make it through the rangers, and do not head off towards the airport, will likely be heavily armed and determined. At the outbreak of the Unification War, 10 such brigades existed. The 7th is all that remains of the Commonwealth's professional war machine, barring any nasty surprises further in their territory. Expect them to engage you with established tactics and enthusiasm. We put the Brigade's strength at a thousand strong, which by far makes them the most combat-effective force we'll likely encounter in Operation End Game. Destroy them, and just maybe, we'll win the war here and now. Mission #2 [b]Republican Armies Involved:[/b] 1st Republic Energy Force The Commonwealth are on the run, and their remaining forces in the area have fallen back to Sunnyside. You are to join the First Battalion, Rifle Infantry in destroying whatever remains of their army in the city. Intel from the observation post to the city's south indicates there is a moderate civilian presence. It seems the Commonwealth are not beyond hiding behind women and children. Kill who you must to complete your goal, but do not actively engage civilian elements with intent to destroy. Finally, the "7th Freedom Brigade" has surged into the area, apparently with hopes of evicting us from Sunnyside and its airport. We're planning on the Martin Rangers destroying a portion of the force, and that our guys over at the airport will tie down another, but expect some of them to make it through. [b]Enemy Strength:[/b] The Commonwealth units in Sunnyside are a defeated force, and in pitiful condition. They have no artillery, and are fighting mostly out of survival, as they fear certain death in the event of surrender. Intel puts their strength anywhere between three and six hundred, but with the civilians in the crossfire, it's been hard to pin down an exact number from the observation post. The elements of the 7th Freedom Brigade that make it through the rangers, and do not head off towards the airport, will likely be heavily armed and determined. At the outbreak of the Unification War, 10 such brigades existed. The 7th is all that remains of the Commonwealth's professional war machine, barring any nasty surprises further in their territory. Expect them to engage you with established tactics and enthusiasm. We put the Brigade's strength at a thousand strong, which by far makes them the most combat-effective force we'll likely encounter in Operation End Game. Destroy them, and just maybe, we'll win the war here and now. Mission #3 [b]Republican Armies Involved:[/b] The Martin Rangers [b]Mission Objective:[/b] To intercept and bludgeon the 7th Freedom Brigade's spearhead. Further guerilla action optional. Retreat westerly, if positions are in danger of being overrun. [b]Enemy Strength:[/b] The 7th Freedom Brigade consists of just over a thousand of the Commonwealth's best. They're experienced, and mostly made up of veterans who have survived the Unification War from its start, to the present day. This means they're less likely to run than those you've encountered this far, and they're well armed. Grenade launchers, assault rifles, submachineguns and some light artillery swells their ranks. However, they're in a hurry, and have neglected to post scouts around their formation. Ambushing them from the high terrain as they march up Route 82 would almost certainly catch them off guard. Mission # 4 [b]Republican Armies Involved:[/b] 1st Republic Hunters Battalion "Black Death" [b]Mission Objective:[/b] Defend the Sunnyside Airport at all costs. [b]Enemy Strength:[/b] We're unsure of how much of the enemy will break off from the 7th Freedom Brigade's push into Sunnyside, however we know from intercepted intel that they're planning on evicting you from the airport. They need the supplies, and the ammunition, if they're going to try and lose themselves in an urban war zone. However, depending on how well the Martin Rangers are able to pull away the Brigade's reserves, we're predicting that at least three hundred of them will be coming your way. They'll likely have the bulk of the Brigade's artillery wing too - nothing too big, mostly light mortars and rocket launchers.