Name: Vivienne Walker Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance:[img=] Standing at 5'7 Vivienne is slender but with an athletic curvy frame. Personality: Vivienne is all around a kind and caring person to those she cares about, but it takes a lot for her to care about another, not because she doesn't want to, but because its hard for her to let them into her heart. When one gets to know her they see this adventurous free side that is quite hard to miss, they see her quick wit and sarcastic humor, her love for other people, the inner light that is inside of her. The young girl is also fiercely protective over those she cares about and will go to the ends of the earth to help them. Her smile is radiant when she does truly smile and it holds all of the secrets she keeps inside. Likes: Adventures, music, gymnastics, hockey, books, cold days, relaxing, singing, etc. Dislikes: Mean people, feeling trapped/caged, cowardice, people who judge, etc. History: Vivienne's history is a complicated one, its not one any of her friends knew really. They didn't know much about her other than the time she spent with them and who she was as a person. With them she adventured, she loved and laughed, she played, she was a gymnast, a cheerleader, a helpful person to find around school when she was in it. On the other hand the other side of her life was a bit darker. She grew up at 343 Post Street, it seemed like any other house, the sides needed painting, the grass should have been mowed a week ago, but inside it was hell. She had a younger brother named Jacob, he was eight and she protected him as much as she could from the reasons her house was hell. Her parents on the outside weren't bad people, they each had jobs, a bit of an alcohol problem, and they seemingly loved their children. Behind closed doors though this was a different case, the beatings didn't start until Vivienne was about 10 years old, right before Jacob was conceived and born, she had been late coming home from a friends house and her parents had just snapped, sending her into a bookshelf that had left bruises for weeks. It was sporadic how they acted after that, the beatings only came every so often, but as Jacob grew older she protected him with everything she had, every time they had tried to hurt him she stepped in and took it. Now waking up in a gothic castle, with no memory of how or when she arrived there, her first thought was him and needing to make she he was okay, of needing to get him away from their parents, that is it would be, if she remembered him.