Luna grabbed James "Hurry I can hear the nurses running outside looking for us" she said and she tugged James into a run. For some reason, She didn't like leaving leaving the others in the woods. It made her worry and want to go look for them. When the nursing home comes into view the nurses where outside looking around. She pushed James out first and then she runs out a little while later. The nurses narrowed their eyes but went to go look for the others. [quote=Akihisa Yoshii] Desmond pulls away from her and crashes against a tree, leaning against it as he falls down. Black energy continued to leak from his hand. "I can't go back like this... Go on ahead, I'll... I'll wait until I calm down..." He had to make them go away. Even as it leaked from him he felt it build up... it was going to happen again... they had to leave. [/quote]