|Faction Name: The Automaton |Universe: (Include a link to a wiki or something so we know what the heck you're talking about.) [url=http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Endless_Space_Wiki]Endless space wiki[/url] [url=http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Automatons]Race page[/url] |Summary in a Sentence: A race a sentient clockwork alien robots these clockwork beings formed a strong bond with nature and keep to themselves when possible. |Description: |Technology Level: Advance they have access to energy weapons, advance kinetic weapons, FTL travel, advance industrial capability, and armor. Even able later on the ability to create flying cites. |Magical or other Supernatural Powers: [hider=The Dust.]Created by the Endless the dust are Nano-machines and Nano-computers designed to maintain their society. Some used these infinitesimally small machines to help maintain their biological bodies, while others used constructs of these Nano-elements -- known collectively as "Dust" -- as virtual bodies once they uploaded themselves. The technology was sufficiently advanced to self-replicate itself and self-assemble. While individual motes of Dust had very limited computing power, the ability to "talk" and network was built in. As a result, "clouds" of Dust could form extremely sophisticated systems. Two versions of the dust the first is manipulating the physical world: Improving building and transportation systems, attacking crop diseases, cleaning and sterilizing living spaces, etc. The other was to Dust to aid in communication and transport. It was refined to provide virtual bodies, pass electronic signals, collect and store energy, etc. But after the fall of the Endless civilization much knowledge on who to use the dust was lost. But some of people can become infected by the dust allowing them to gain supernatural powers. The Dust slowly replicates and spread to neighboring areas in-till it covers the planet. The other spices can learn how to use the Dust, but Dust infection has a 10% survival rate but if they do survive it gain the ability to control it and manipulate it. But it can be deadly for other for example another race from the endless space universe the Harmony the dust is a plague causing them trying to purge it across there galaxy causing a minor apocalypse to the other races. [/hider] |Magical/Technological Glitches: Dust shortages, lack of any support, |Important People: +Name: Forerunner Arugs +Role: Leader of the automaton colony +Description: [img=http://i.imgur.com/RRA6WX3.jpg] |Hex Location: 1 tiles away from the mana pool to the north |Terrain Type: Jungle |Important Terrain Features: massive trees with automaton building wove into the environment. |Important Structures: several automaton factorys a dust replicator ( which is broken at the moment) an combination energy and physical wall for protection.