Gwen was still in the process of gathering some of her test tubes off the floor when she suddenly heard a commanding voice behind her. From the sounds of it, he seemed to also be holding a weapon. Abandoning her task of fixing her equipment, she stood and submissive turned to face the authority figure. She held up the ID card that was hanging around her neck from a black lanyard. Since she was an intern, and a new one at that, it was only a plain white card with her name written on it in black permanent marker but it still had the thick black security line down the back of it that gave her access to the labs. "Ugh, my name is Gwennyth Harlow. I'm a junior DNA analyst at the SciTech laboratory... well, I'm an intern anyway." Gwen was always stumbling with her words, even more so when someone was pointing a gun at her. "Here is my card. I know it doesn't look legit... I mean, authentic, but I only started a couple of weeks ago so I haven't really settled in yet." She tapped at the white card hanging around her neck. "I'm sorry, there wasn't really anyone guarding the place when I got here so I decided to head straight in." Just then, she caught a glimpse of another girl entering the pyramid and was relieved to see that she also looked as though she was a scientist. She was glad she didn't have to deal with this alone.