[B]0500, three days ago[/B] Lt. Colonel LeMay saw no military advantage to be gained from holding Outlook in any meaningful way. The position was indefensible, as his gallant soldiers had so recently proven. He never did like giving the enemy the initiative, but instead always preserved the right to choose when and where the combat would happen himself. The nature of combat in a devegated totally flat wasteland, however, was unique to say the least. There was no where to hide; it was an unadulterated contest of marksmanship. LeMay ordered his troops to move in a very long con contiguous line. As the men of first company marched, a chant started spontaneously among the men as a company sergeant started it off. "Hey Rangers, (Bullet-Soakin' Rangers!) Pick up your steps and come me! (We're first battalion infantry!) He-ey 1st Mech! (Wreck Drivin' 1st Mech!) Start up your heaps and follow me! (We're first battalion infantry!) Hey Battalion! (Toughest Battalion!) Get in your squads and march with US! (We're first battalion infantry!)" After a few laughs and cheers, a platoon sergeant lead the next cadence! "Down by the ri-ver (Down by the ri-ver) Took a little wa-lk We ran into the Chi-nese (We ran into the Chi-nese) And we had a little ta-lk We didn't like their attitude We didn't like they walked We pushed 'em (Hey!) We shoved 'em (Hey!) We threw em in the river And laughed as they drowned We don't need no Commies Hangin' around Down by the ri-ver Took a little wa-lk We ran into the Russians And we had a little ta-lk We didn't like their attitude We didn't like they walked We pushed 'em (Hey!) We shoved 'em (Hey!) We threw em in the river And laughed as they drowned We don't need no Commies Hangin' around Down by the ri-ver Took a little wa-lk We ran into the Enclave And we had a little ta-lk We didn't like their attitude We didn't like they walked We pushed 'em (Hey!) We shoved 'em (Hey!) We threw em in the river And laughed as they drowned We don't need no Nazis Hangin' around Heyyyy, don't be a fool. (Hey! Hey!) Someone said we're number two (They lied!) We're number one! Go Army!" [B]0900, two days ago[/b] The confrontation never occurred, as the enemy fell back to Sunnyside and in concert with new orders, the military initiative came to be back with its rightful owners; the professional soldiers. As they got nearer to the city of Sunnyside, LeMay spread his troops thinner and thinner. The guns of the enemy were nothing to fear; varmint rifles stood no chance of penetrating their armor at a distance, but mortar fire could be lethal. By radio, he sent a message to the energy force. "First battalion, in position awaiting rendezvous."