Michael watched Haley look at him, "go on I didn't tell you to stay now did I?" Hal gave him a lick on the cheek, before getting off the couch she was bigger than Coop. She sniffed him, then pushed him into his side. Michael laughed to that, till he heard the words he had been waiting to hear. A sigh escaped his lips, "you ever want to get back together once you've got everything else settled and everything I'll be here I can wait." He looked at her, to see that troubled and tortured expression. He got up and went to her, caressing her cheek with his hand. "You don't have to hide from me and you don't just say something like that then try to hide it won't work this won't let you." He put his hand over his heart, "the first two years all I could think about was if you were ok fury never told me anything about you so I had to make myself believe you were alright." His expression turned to one of sadness, "I've never either Kali it's just fury never told me anything about the others seemed like I was left out of the loop while everyone on the team knew my condition and everyone else's."