[quote=Frizan] My wisdom teeth came in just fine, didn't need any work done on them.Suck it. [/quote] :< [quote=Magic Magnum] What's the Doctor Who Theme like while high? [/quote] I don't remember. All I remember was seeing some aliens that I thought looked [i]reeeaally[/i] cool and really realistic-looking, but thinking back on it they probably actually looked really fake and terrible, since it was a Classic episode. Also, the episodes in the season I was watching were 45 minutes long, instead of 23 (like most Classic episodes), but not knowing this at the time I watched as any nearby clocks would indicate that more than a half hour had gone by despite a single episode not being over with yet, which led me to believe that time in real life was going wibbly-wobbly. Oh, and the Doctor fixed the chameleon circuit. ...I was surprised to find out later that that actually happened, and I didn't just imagine it. Also, the episode was called "Attack of the Cybermen", but I don't remember seeing any Cybermen. @_@