Ava looked at Einar from behind it all, listening to him essentially insulting her and saying she was being tricked by these people. But it was far from that in truth. She had not been tricked or harmed by them. In fact it was the exact opposite. They had opened her eyes to the truth and had shown their love for her. When she saw him taking a fw steps toward her, she pressed herself close against Blizzard as the dragon curled his tail around her and bent over her in a protective manner and in this time, her father had stopped Einar from stepping forward, a flamed sword at his throat and even her mother had stepped in front of Blizzard in a protective manner, Aurora at her side, the dragoness growling and snapping in warning. She glared at him, and was about to tell him to leave, that she had no desire to go home with him to that horrible island again, but her father beat her to it, telling Einar he wouldn't be taking another step toward her. But Einar obviously wasn't going to go for that and instead, sent out his threat. Skrills. Those beasts would tear this place apart and hurt if not kill many people. If this had been anyone else, Ava might have said they were bluffing about having so many of the dragons, but she had seen first hand the way this man worked and just how many dragons he had on hand and Skrill were no exceptions. Ava felt like she was in such a bind at this moment ,unsure what to do. Of course, it would be her choice in who she went with, and should she refuse to go back with this evil man, her whole village would be destroyed. Her father seemed ready to refuse anyway but before he could, she stepped up, looking at the man, holding up a hand as if to silence Einar's call for the skrill, "Wait. Don't call the Skrill. I'll go with you. Just......don't do anything to Berk or the people here."