Gwen sighed and went back to picking up her fallen test tubes, carefully replacing them back in her metal suitcase. "Look, I don't really know. All I know is I got a call this morning and minutes after, there was black sedan waiting for me outside of the laboratory. He dropped me off here and here I am. I'm not sure what I've been expected to do or why this pyramid is here so unfortunately, I'm kind of the wrong person to be asking. I'm an analyst, not Einstein." Gwen's words just tumbled out of her mouth, completely bypassing any conscious thought as she closed her case and securing the latches. Gwen lifted both her metal cases, staring at the metal door closest to her, wondering if that was the one she had heard slam shut earlier. She decided she would check it out later, but there was the issue of her lack of security escort. Her ventures would have to wait. Instead, she turned to her unexpected companions. "So what did they send you guys here for?" If she got an idea about any of their objectives, maybe she could figure out her own.