Luna focused and nothing happened, after a while, she heard bones go back together and a ripping sound. She opened her eyes that she didn't know she closed, and gets up, she looks straight at Desmond, she couldn't believe she was looking at him next to his dead body! "Desmond....." She said her eyes widen, she turned to the girl, her eyes red, it took all of her strength not to snap at her for coming out of no where. "Go back now...." She was fighting the urge to shift, she turned back to ghost Desmond and whimpers softly. [quote=The ghost in black] Lisa was about to get up and help Luna when suddenly she saw Luna tear off back into the forest after a large explosion went off in that direction, "oh come on, Who set off a bomb?" She said as she opened up a door to her world and started walking through a hallway that let her out at the blast site "what happened here?" She asked then saw Desmonds body and gasped [/quote] [quote=Akihisa Yoshii] Desmond looked at her. He knew it was her, despite the wolf before him. He had heard that a specter had to really try in order to be noticed. It had to truly be determined to do much of anything. Or angry enough. He called out to her, trying to get her attention. "Luna! Luna, I'm OK, my body just needs time to heal..." He tried to explain it to her and willed himself to be seen, knowing it'd be made easier by her being a necromancer. The darkness was soon drained from the area and it slowed to a trickle as it had to pull more from farther and farther away. His body was restoring at a much slower rate, but it was restoring nonetheless. [/quote]