1. 71342 2. I'd like to keep this to myself. :) 3. A long time. 4. None, I only play one at a time. To be fair. 5. Rp related, I'd like to say descriptive essays but I still have much to work on. 6. I say what I think, I act on what I think in a very direct manner. Though I try to be civilized about it always. Some mistake this for being soft. To their demise... *cue menacing laughter* 7. villian, heroes always get the short end of the stick. 8. Mirror. 9. I don't know, how would I get it in the fIrst place? 10. It really depends on the people in the roleplay (doesn't it always?) , but I'm already here with character profile in hand it shows that I'd like to see this roleplay go far.