Co-GM checking in! Name: Mihama Yukiko Race: Human(Mage) Age: 14 Appearance: [url=]The scatterbrained Witch[/url]. She has black hair, light skin, and green eyes. Her outfit is reddish-purple and white. Personality: Yukiko is a happy and friendly girl, full of cheer and an earnest desire to help. She is talkative and and outgoing, always willing to hear what kind of trouble people are having and always willing to give them a hand. This is also, of course, her business, so she has some added incentive there. While she is friendly, she is sometimes easily-exasperated and frustrated, even if she is rather good at problem-solving. This mostly comes out when her catgirl assistant does something particularly unusual or irritating. Yukiko is surprisingly easy to distract and can easily lose trace of important things, like asking for payment after successfully helping someone out with a problem they've been having. It's times like this that it's her assistant's turn to be irritated with her. Skills/Abilities: Yukiko is a mage, though in her family the women are referred to as witches. She is capable of minor offensive and defensive magic, projecting fireballs or producing a shield, but most of her abilities are utility-based. Causing a broom to fly, transporting and manipulating objects, scrying, she's got a lot of spells to help people out with problems they might be having. Magi in her family are also taught aspects of onmyodo. Yukiko, for example, knows how to use the onymouji practice of using shikigami and blend it with a magi's familiar. Equipment: Her flying broom, chalk, a scrying stone, her all-important hat. The Magic Shop, her family's old business, is an old-fashioned shop sandwiched between newer buildings. Brief Backstory: Yukiko is part of the Mihama family, a somewhat old-fashioned family living near the center of Shinkawa city. Her parents are very loving, but intensely busy. As a result, Yukiko runs the family's old shop, "The Magic Shop", specializing in some magical supplies. But mostly in hiring out the owner to solve various problems. Lost your keys? Need some ghosts dealt with? Have to find your long-lost twin sibling? Need a package delivered? Yukiko's your girl! Speaking of problems, she once ran across a heavily-injured cat, which turned out to be a nekomata. Using onmyodo and mage techiques, Yukiko healed and revived the nekomata and made her into a familiar. The nekomata, usually running around in human form now, has since become her assistant in problem solving. --- Name: "I'll tell you. If I feel like it." Race: Vampire Age: ??? , appears around ten years old. Appearance: [url=]Borrowed appearance, thank you to Rin for recoloring her eyes.[/url] Personality: To many things, the vampire's reaction seems to be polite disinterest. She lacks any care for almost anything that exists, finding much of it worthy of very little attention. However, she will be polite unless pressed and annoyed, in which case her responses become sharper and less patient. That said, she often speaks in a very charming and polite manner, and is generally somewhat willing to talk provided that something she's actually enjoying isn't interrupted. While perhaps not very much, she does find people somewhat interesting most of the time. The vampire will make for even more animated and pleasant conversation if she finds herself more interested than usual in a person. The more interesting she finds someone, the more pleasant and energetic she becomes. However, the charm, and in some cases teasing attitude, grows. In fact, the vampire often places some teasing in her interactions with others. One of the reasons the charm grows when she interacts with someone she finds more interesting is because she becomes interested in... tasting them. She does need to drink blood, after all, and while she wouldn't take enough to kill someone(that is simply unacceptable in her current situation), she enjoys... getting a taste of those she takes a liking to. So her intent is quite simply to charm them into allowing it. The vampire is also a highly intelligent and articulate girl. She enjoys reading and has a vast knowledge of a great many works. She is somewhat playful about her identity, asking people to figure it out themselves, though she will reveal it if she feels it is appropriate. Finally, she finds fighting only somewhat interesting... most of the time. If a battle really gets her attention, she becomes quite a bit more energetic. It would be easy to describe her as incredibly hammy if she gets going. She also becomes much more threatening, her smiles becoming much less friendly grins. Skills/Abilities: The vampire is highly mobile and very fast, as well as dangerously strong. Even a very strong grown man would be easily overpowered by her. The only ways to kill her are the destruction of her heart or the severing of her head. All other damage is regenerated completely. Sunlight, while an irritant, does not affect her "Any longer", in her terms. It does sting her eyes and she requests a parasol if she must travel in it. In addition, she is incapable of tanning and simply gets painful sunburn. However, natural running water(including magical sources) renders her powerless until she can dry off, and religious objects make her sneeze(longer exposure to them causes her to develop a cold). The vampire can create illusions, disguising herself and others. These illusions are highly convincing, and it is difficult to pierce them. She can also disperse into a cloud of bats, reforming perfectly for rapid travel and dodging attacks. Injuring one or more of these bats will injure her, though she will regenerate upon reforming. She can manipulate the blood from her own body, or blood that's been spilled, to create spears and other weapons. However, if she uses blood from her own body it will drain her rapidly and make it highly necessary for her to drink very soon. Finally, the vampire can summon familiars out of her dress. They appear in a dark mist that pours from it, taking the form of shadowy wolves and bats. While they are capable of seriously injuring a target, it takes only one strike or any kind to dissipate them entirely. Equipment: A whole lot of gothic lolita. Brief Backstory: The vampire appeared in Shinkawa and had a mansion built. Details on her past are rather sparse, as she neglects to even explain her name, instead sticking to being all mysterious. She holds some parties and very occasionally goes and helps out with monster dens. If she really feels like it. --- Name: Fubuki Eiki Race: Oni Age: 59 Appearance: [url=]"HAI!"[/url] She has very lightly tanned skin, dirty blond hair, and green eyes, tending to wear red kimono. The bow on her tan horn(both are tan) is darker red. Personality: Lacking any sense of shame and seemingly lazy, Eiki can often be seen lounging around, especially in hotsprings. She really likes hotsprings. However, this is quite deceptive, as Eiki actually has a high amount of energy when she's excited and moving. The oni girl has a fairly happy and friendly disposition, as well as being extremely confident with herself and really quite full of herself. She also possesses a very strong sense of honor against non-monster foes. To the embarrassment of all around her, Eiki has a total lack of any sense of shame and is incredibly difficult to embarrass. She takes a great deal of pride in her body, in fact. She has a whole lot of pride in general, really. Eiki will fight monsters, but she's not to thrilled by them unless they're smart enough to have some kind of planning, and would much rather fight people. She treats fighting in general like a fun game, really. She refuses to use weapons, fighting only with her hands and feet. And elbows. And knees. And anything other part of her body that she can hit someone with. Eiki is also deeply fond of sake. Skills/Abilities: Eiki is an oni, possessing massive amounts of strength and physical durability, as well as an inhuman ability to heal her injuries. She far outclasses humans in terms of raw physical might, but a good fighter can close that gap and she's liable to hold back to make things more interesting if they can't. She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat but has no training in using any sort of weaponry. Equipment: Lots of kimono. Nothing else. The only clothing Eiki ever wears is kimono. Brief Backstory: Eiki's fifty-nine years have been spent on lounging about, fighting, and drinking. She's pretty much spent her whole life on doing such things, and also finding fun people to team up with. Or fight. Or both.