"Right, follow my lead." The two hyenas stalked around the edge of the clearing, staying just far away enough that the animals around the pond would not see them. They stealthily crept to the edge of the forest that the rabbit had its back turned to. "Can't believe we're putting in so much effort for a [i]rabbit[/i]," Anxius grumbled quietly as he silently moved closer and closer to the rabbit, "We could have found something bigger and easier to catch by now." "The rabbit looks so good though," Malacia whispered back with a grin, following close behind him. Anxius rolled his eyes and paused some distance away from the rabbit and studied the situation. "Doesn't really look like they're trying to kill each other anymore." Anxius commented. "Really? Soon then?" Malacia asked, perking up slightly. "Yes, very soon." Malacia looked back towards the rabbit and hungrily licked her lips. "Wait for my signal. Don't stop for anything, we should hopefully catch them by surprise. Just run out, grab the rabbit, and run back into the forest. I'll try to slow them down. I'll catch up with you later," Anxius explained. Malacia nodded, almost shivering with excitement. "Where do I go? And what about you?" "It's fine, just keep running. I'm the one with the eyes here, I'll find you again." "If you say so," Malacia replied. Anxius continued to wait for some time before he turned back to Malacia and said, "Are you ready? I think it's finally time." Malacia nodded and sank into a crouch. "Right then, [i]now![/i]" He tried whispering as loudly as he dared. The two hyenas darted from the forest, headed straight for the wolf and rabbit. Anxius charged directly at the black wolf and, without pausing, leaped for its face, jaws gaping. Malacia, meanwhile, ran as fast as she could towards the rabbit, ready to clamp her jaws on its neck.