[hider=The Nation Sheet] [centre] Nation's Name Nation's History Race (Can be whatever you want within reasonable constraints. Try not to get to crazy or unbalanced) Form of Government Current Leader(s) Notable Figures Total Population (No china blobs please. I may allow one, but in general, try to keep it under 160 million roughly) Nation's Location: Nation's Geography: (See the Biome map to get a general sense of what your nation is like. Feel free to build onto that by adding notable forests or mountains and such to better enhance the setting of your nation. The Biome map is just something to help you along) Economy: (What does your nation like to import/export? Remember, your nation can't just home grow all the things it needs. Also its a good excuse for war! :D) (Oh! And I am also allowing fantasy materials, like Float Stone or whatever to allow big machines or flying contraptions. Have fun with it, be creative!) Technology Overview (Does your nation favor progress over tradition? And if so, what fields is your nation focusing on? This is just a fun bit where you can describe whatever unique focus your nation has in terms of technology. Also, if you decide to make some sort of traditionalist nation that remains further behind others, that's great! Don't worry about being smited off the face of the planet right off the bat. Remember, we are here to have fun with a creative nation building roleplay, so we can play it out in more ways than just realistic scenario.) Military Overview Population (If your nation is hardcore military, it can't be more than 7%, if not, 5%) Army Overview Navy Overview Air Force Overview [/center][/hider]