I have only one thing to say: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdLQf1Ef9Ns]I hope y'all like Westerns.[/url] [hider=Archer] [b]Name:[/b] William Henry "The Kid" McCarty, Noted Desperado of the Southwest [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/lytp1lk.jpg]"Bang."[/url] [b]Birth and Death Dates:[/b] Late 1861/Early 1862 AD - July 14, 1881 AD [b]Alignment:[/b] True Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] Archer is... not the person that Western films and American folklore make him out to be. He's no cold-blooded killer with a temper who goes around killing randoms and committing crimes to get his jollies. He's actually quite a jovial sort, very straightforward and always trying to find the humor in everything. Even in the most serious situations he can still find something to joke about while keeping his wits about him. He's also surprisingly dependable for an Archer-class. Definitely an individual loyal to those he cares about, but also the type who possesses a stubborn attitude that never gives up and doesn't always heed the advice of his friends and allies. Surprisingly enough, even though he fights pragmatically and viciously, he doesn't actually prefer fighting. However, it's worked for him his whole life and it's the only thing he really knows. Don't fix what ain't broke. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_the_Kid]Legend:[/url] A legendary outlaw and gunslinger from the 19th century American Old West. The oft exaggerated accounts of his exploits immortalized him into the annals of American legend. He was born to an Irish immigrant in New York, and spent his childhood moving around the southern US territories before settling in Silver City. He was an easygoing, well-behaved child who enjoyed reading dime novels and was always willing to help with chores. His peers described him as "just an ordinary boy who was just a little mischievous". Because of his small stature and girlish looks he was often placed into precarious situations with people bigger and stronger than him, even later in his life. After his mother died, William was abandoned by his step-father and forced to earn his keep working at a hotel owned by his neighbors. His time as an honest worker ended there. He took to odd jobs and petty crime to survive from then on, but was eventually arrested for a crime he didn't commit and escaped prison to flee to Arizona. He became the apprentice to horse thief for a short while, before eventually leaving Arizona after shooting a man who had been attacking him. He participated in the Lincoln County War in his time in New Mexico, and lived by gambling and horse rustling while running from both the law and his enemies. He was finally caught, but escaped prison once again. Despite his crimes - both truly and falsely accused - he was much beloved by the communities he passed through, and even seen as a defender of the people. To avoid conflict, he often would use his Billy the Kid persona and reputation to intimidate and dissuade any potential attackers and avoid violence. However his notoriety finally caught up to him, and Billy the Kid met his end in an ambush set up by Pat Garrett and his squad of lawmen while trying to save his lover. [b]Weapon:[/b] Archer primarily wields a pair of dusty Colt revolvers that fire off bullets formed from prana which normally inflict damage equivalent to [i]STR[/i]. In addition Archer is equipped with a large knife and rope strong enough to affect Servants. [b]Parameters[/b] STR: D END: C AGI: B MAG: E LCK: B NP: B [b]Class Skills [/b] [u]Independent Action[/u] The ability to remain independent even when rejecting the prana supply from the Master. [indent][b]A:[/b] Capable of remaining in this world for a week without an established contract. Also capable of living on for a short period of time after suffering extensive damage on his spiritual core. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great prana consumption, back up from the Master is necessary. [/indent] [u]Magic Resistance[/u] Protection against magical effects. Differently from the Resistance effect that merely rejects prana, this ability cancels the spells altogether. [indent][b]D:[/b] Cancel [i]One-Line[/i] spells and below.[/indent] [b]Personal Skills[/b] [u]Caricature[/u] Exaggeration of character due to misconceptions from the countless individuals about the Servant's history and existence. This skill removes accurate information by providing false [i]Rank-Ups[/i] and [i]Rank-Downs[/i] in the Servants's skills and parameters, as well as additional skills that the Servant 'could have had' based both on their actions and legend. If the Servant's true name is revealed, this effect will be terminated. [indent][b]N/A:[/b] Parameters and skills [i]Rank C[/i] and below appear one rank lower than what they actual are, while stats [i]Rank B[/i] and above are seen as one rank higher. Additional skills are assumed at [i]Rank C[/i] or above.[/indent][hider2=Parameters and Skills Under Caricature][b]Parameters[/b] STR: E END: D AGI: A MAG: E LCK: A NP: B [b]Class Skills[/b] Independent Action - A+ Magic Resistance - E Riding [b]Personal Skills[/b]* Disengage - D Clairvoyance - E Golden Rule Bravery Eye of the Mind (False) Double Summon Charisma Battle Continuation Protection From Arrows *Additional skills are added if someone assumes Archer has them, i.e. Archer is seen collecting stamps a bunch of times so he gets Collector in his Caricature stat sheet.[/hider2] [u]Disengage[/u] The ability to break away from combat. [indent][b]C:[/b] Bonus effect of returning battle conditions to their initial states.[/indent] [u]Clairvoyance[/u] Superior visual perception and dynamic optical capture. At higher ranks, it is possible that the bearers of this skill have acquired other forms of perception beyond standard eyesight. [indent][b]D:[/b] Capable of keeping track of fast-moving object within a range of 2km. Bonus effect of reducing the penalties caused by obstructed vision.[/indent] [b]Noble Phantasm(s)[/b] Name: Fastest Gun in the West Title: Showdown at High Noon Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 10 - 50 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 A Noble Phantasm that embodies the closely related concepts of the duel at high noon and the quick draw, 'a battle won by shooting before the enemy' and 'the act of shooting before the enemy can act'. It costs an obscenely low amount of prana to use, but requires one of two conditions to be met in order to activate: either combat has just been initiated or a Noble Phantasm has simultaneously been activated. It allows Archer to always shoot first and hit. No matter how fast the opponent can strike, Archer will have struck before them and even cancelled their action if the result of this Noble Phantasm would render them unable to act. Damage dealt is equivalent to [i]Rank-Up STR[/i], however Archer can choose where his attack will land. Should the enemy succeed both a [i]LCK[/i] and [i]AGI[/i] check, then the Noble Phantasm will fail, only succeeding one such check though will mean the Noble Phantasm still succeeds, but that Archer’s aim is made to be slightly off. Additionally, if this Noble Phantasm is activated at high noon, the effect of a “certain kill” will be applied should the attack succeed, and success of enemy saving throws will be halved.[/hider]