[b]Name:[/b] Yulia Vi Mitzenhoff [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Birthday:[/b] 04/01/1978 [b]Personality:[/b] Focused, serious, and calculating. She tries to keep her thinking composed and rational, but she's quite prideful and takes offense easily; once her pride's been hurt she can become very childish and petty, and hold a grudge for a long time. Like many students of the Atlas Academy, she doesn't get along well with most magi of the Clocktower. [hider=Appearance:][center][IMG]http://www.imagesup.net/?di=714170711081[/IMG] -Height: 168cm / 5'6"- -Weight: 64 kg / 142 lbs-[/CENTER] [/hider] [b]Biography and Family History:[/b] The Mitzenhoff family have studied alchemy since the 17th century, when the family founder Deitrich Von Mitzenhoff was drawn into the practice upon acquiring a collection of rare books. The books themselves held little practical knowledge, but where enough to instill in Deitrich a powerful curiousity. Curiousity became obsession, and he eventually brokered a connection with the Prague Association. Dietrich spent his life refining an understanding of modern alchemy in Prague. As the family's proficiency grew they also became more worldly, becoming acquainted with the other branches of the Mage's Association. These two factors led to a gulf in ideology between Dietrich and the family's second head, Gunther, which ended in Gunther leaving Prague to join the Atlas Academy two hundred and forty years ago. Since then, the Mitzenhoff family has maintained their ties to the Atlas Academy, producing alchemists of varying quality. Yulia will be the family's fifth head, and is considered the most promising talent the family has yet produced. Still, the bloodline is weak by most magus' standards and Yulia possesses sub-par circuits in both quality and quantity. At Atlas, where lineage and magical circuits hold comparatively less weight, Yulia has earned recognition and praise for her quick, thorough, and inventive mind. Much of Yulia's professional life has consisted in and out of having her service lent under Atlas' contracts. In 1999, one such period of contracted work had her assisting the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament in analyzing questionable relics. It was at that time that she gained access to certain records detailing the Fuyuki Holy Grail, which piqued her scholarly interest. Throughout the next six years Yulia collected extensive data on the past Holy Grail Wars and the Grail War system, and through deductive reasoning understands the current state of the grail's corruption to a certain extent. Despite knowing of the Grail's flawed wish granting, Yulia has an interest in the Corrupted Grail's content: the 'mud'. With the war approaching, Yulia made her way to Japan with the intent of participating. In truth she would have been satisfied even if she were only able to observe throughout the Grail War, but the proof of her being a master appeared shortly after when the command seals manifested on her hand. Despite not truly wanting a wish on the Grail, her goal requires the War to reach its climax without issue. To that end she intends to 'win' the war. [b]Origin and Elemental Affinity:[/b] Progression [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] D [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] D [b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] The sound of a match igniting [b]Prana Tank:[/b] D [b]Magecraft:[/b] [hider=Some General Magecraft]Extensive knowledge of formalcraft Basic bounded fields and removal Mystic pass, contracting, and shared perception[/hider] [hider=Alchemy]Thought Acceleration Memory Partition - 4 'rooms' Alchemical Production - Given time and a workshop outfitted with specialized tools and materials, Yulia is capable of synthesizing mythological metals (I.E. mithril, oricalcum, adamant(ine), thokcha, etc.); as well as other alchemical products such as Alkahest and Panacea (their actual effects fall short of the mythological all-dissolving and all-curing properties). [/hider] [b]Mystic Codes:[/b] [i]Lion's Cradle[/i] The Lion's Cradle began as a proof of concept about using prana during the smelting, alloying, and working of metals to manipulate ductility and rigidity. Necessity had Yulia refine the Cradle into a practical weapon instead. The Cradle is a two-part assembly of gloves and wires. The wires are an alloy of adamantine and titanium that's been drawn to a diameter of 2 microns, but have retained an incredible tensile and shear strength. More importantly, the wires react to certain electrical signals. A certain frequency causes the wire's cross section to deform and flatten, changing it from a 'wire' to a 'ribbon'. The width of the ribbon's flattened surface is about 6 microns wide, but the cutting edges are flattened to a small fraction of a micron wide. Similarly to how the cross section can be manipulated, the rigidity of different segments of the wire can be modulated by combinations of electrical signals. This allows the wires' user a greater degree of control, though gross movements still have to be controlled manually. The key to the Lion's Cradle are the gloves, sewn from mithril thread, which have contacts made from thunderbolt iron embedded in them. Passing prana through the contact generates a low-level electrical current, which in turn passes down filliments in the glove and into the wires. The electrical current is not enough to use for direct attack, but is plenty to create the signals needed to manipulate the wires. [hider2=Equipment:] 5 vials of Panacea 5 vials of Alkahest A labcoat reinforced with mithril thread 50 Adamant-reinforced pitons 200' of replacement wire for the Lion's Cradle Spare outfits Toiletries Passport Valid International Driving Permit 10,000 USD worth of Yen loaded onto a prepaid card Reagents and tools for alchemical crafting[/hider2] [b]Non-Magecraft Related Skills:[/b] Eidetic Memory Versed in math, chemistry, physics, material sciences and biology; PhD level Fluent in German, Arabic, Hebrew, French, and Japanese Experienced with the use of Lion's Cradle as a weapon Can cook extremely [s]disgusting[/s] nutritious meals