[quote=MiaRainx] Gwen nodded in understanding, looking closely at the ID card she presented: Shea O'Reilly. "Cool, well, I'm Gwen. Looking forward to working with you," she said cheerfully. Once again, Gwen took a glance at the nearest door, one that kind of looked like a closet. "Okay, so since we're kind of acquainted, I think there might be someone behind that door. When I came in, I think I heard it slamming shut." Gwen said as she approached it, pointing to it like an interested child. "Should we check it out?" She directed the question mostly to the armed individuals with them. After all, they were the ones with the guns. [/quote] James looked at Gwen "fine we'll check it out but stay behind us we don't know if what ever is in there is hostile or not." James look at the door and walked towards it raising his weapon just in case "did you see what closed the door?"