[quote=Spawnling] No, in my opinion it's bad to force an interaction onto another character without the player's consent. You don't know how a character will react. They aren't your character. If you want interaction, you let the other player react to your interaction. Case in point, having the character knock on the door is where the last post could have ended, and then myself, Potato, or Mazoy can react and post about how they react to such a knock. Instead, the door is opened by my character and I lose the interaction chance. You're playing the odds that my character would open the door. Maybe he wouldn't? You wouldn't know, maybe there's something else my character may think or feel that you wouldn't know about. You aren't interacting. You're taking my character and making them do what you need/want them to do. That's not interaction. Also I could do without the smart assing. I'm discussing this, no need to get hostile. [/quote] Lol I wasn't even hostile bro. If anyone is, it's you, not me. I was simply making a comment on how I didn't think people minded the spontaneity of character interactions. If we went and asked everyone for every little thing we do in our posts, then a good chunk of the fun in the rp will be taken away. Of course, I understand where you're coming from. And I guess, to some degree, I can understand where you're coming from. Sometimes it can get a little annoying, but I guess that's depending on the person. *shrugs*