Jun ruthlessly suppressed a snort though his shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. At least the kid wouldn't [i]die[/i] – hopefully – during training. As the soldier finished dropping his trainee off, the rebel swordsman, voice ripe with false-concern, called out, “Don't treat the boy too hard – 'specially if his firebending's a bit... poor! He's missing home!” Taking a few steps purposefully towards the ominous grey building, he continued, “And send him to me if he's not doing so good! I'm responsible for him!” He walked on unimpeded by soldiers until he had entered through the thick doors, pulling off his helmet as he did so. There was no point for [i]him[/i] to hide his identity – he could lie well enough, and everything about his eyes screamed Fire Nation. Now... where was the command room? The charges could wait – he needed some maps; maps that could find out where his uncle was located. ----- Suyin poked Ran on the forehead. “You're being frowny. Don't, idiot,” she said, returning to carefully packing the needles into a pouch attached to her belt. “We totally did good. And if Father asks, I'll say you blew the base up with... some water thing. Lee and Sen'll vouch for my story and– ” “And I'll probably have a heroic part in it, too,” she finished with a smile. “Now, up! Can't let our underlings have all the fun – even if they're waiting for us. You.” Suyin carefully adjusted her ponytail, resolving absently to get Sen to braid it later, and leaned against the door.