[quote=CommissarRanden] "Sir, I do not underestimate. I distract" the telepathic beams whips around, curving back towards the GM. Getting more momentum, he fires thousands of more telepathic beams of energy, zoning onto the GM. He reaches for his sword and brings it to him with a motion. He makes the sword hover in the air and stands on it, All the while firing more telepathic energy beams. "WELCOME TO TELEPATHY, BITCH" He grabs Both hand fires a huge ball of telepathic energy at GM. [/quote] [quote=Mikellh Dejax] Apparently death is not final in this realm. He watched himself get punched by the Godmodder only to resurrect a moment later. He had not seen that punch coming for one reason or another, he theorized that the Godmodder can alter perception, be it a person's own perception so that even the fastest reactor can be caught by a slow-moving boulder, or the perception of time, so that the Godmodder can converge an attack, his opponent dodges, but he jumps to a timeline where it hit, replaces its reality with this one, so that the attack hits anyway. Its annoying really. The man shakes his chrome covered head."Of course, two may play the same game." He takes his hands out from his pockets and crosses them over his chest. Around him, time disrupts, light bends, and space and reality itself distort. He's gained an aura of rippling space around him, he can now look into the time stream, this prevents the Godmodder from hitting him using the Godmodder's perception altering (no-autohit, or at least a smaller chance now), then places his hands forward, making only the air in front of him super-heated, but not enough that it becomes plasma. Doing this, if the Godmodder were to attack him with his perception anyway, and is fast enough, he would burn from the super-heated air. He takes a step back, and clenches both his fists.Charge: 1/4 [/quote] The telekinetic beams were caught up in the space-time distortion, thus interrupting the telekinetic beams. However, you've gained heightened reflexes. You have a slight chance of dodging some of the Godmodder's attacks! However, the Godmodder just watches your plasma with some slight interest. [quote=Megadraco] M saw the man die and reappear instantly, and the astonished look on his face. That was no special ability of his own, or he would be calm. Of course! He should have realized earlier! With Death gone in this realm, dying wasn't a possibility. He was calmer, at least for a second, until the calmness made him realize that a particular power, a particular Blessing, had been copied. For some reason, this enraged him. As the blue wall dissolved into yet more mist, dozens of swords appeared, constantly swirling around him, as two far more impressive ones appeared in his hands. A metallic mask appeared on his hooded face, and he prepared his cloak to harden on impact.After these preparations, M charged at blinding speed, towards the Godmodder, in the eye of a storm of steel. He was unstoppable. If the Godmodder dodged, more blades would materialize in the direction he was dodging towards. If he attempted to block, the swords would surround him, and immediately stab at any flaw in the defense. A physical counter would be unwise, as it would result in the Godmodder being hurt by the deadly flurry, and it would stop projectile attempting to reach him. And if the Godmodder were to suddenlt manifest any sort of energy field, well, M could simply materialize swords inside of it. [/quote] The Godmodder teleports behind you, punching you in the back of the head. He then grabs one of the swords that try to stab him, making it submit to his will, and using it to defend himself from the other swords. [quote=Mikellh Dejax] Of course, the pose was just a formality, he could just keep his charge up without any fancy positions. "I hope you don't mind." He said to no one in particular, and decided to change the charge on one of M's swords to negative, and change a part of the Godmodder's body's charge into positive, this way, M's sword would be attracted to the part of the Godmodder's body that is oppositely charged. He also paid enough attention that he would change the point in space where M's body was if he missed, bringing him closer to the Godmodder to attack once more. (Essentially teleportation, but more instant.)Charge: 2/4 [/quote] The sword you charged was the one the Godmodder grabbed! The sword is now inseperable from the Godmodder. And the second attack also fails, instead resulting in M having to respawn from the Godmodder's sword piercing his head. [quote=Joegreenbeen] The Ginger watches the chaos, smiling at the child's play. Soon they would now what true power is. Right after that thought a beastly, draconian roar erupted out of the rift the Ginger created. Soon...soon...Summon: /4 [/quote] The Godmodder hears the roar and grins sadistically. [quote=gamer5910] A circle made out of purple fire appeared above the GM, and within seconds a purple hell fire storm came out of the circle. Within the huge hell fire storm coming out of the circle a mysterious figure came out of no where running lightning speed to the GM the figure had a small trail of purple fire come out of his hands, but only for it to form the shape of a scythe. The mysterious man was now in hitting range of the GM and having running at lightning speed with support the hell fire storm the GM will have a hard time seeing him attack. [/quote] You collide with the Godmodder (since you didn't specify any sort of attacking movement), but you did succeed in stunning the Godmodder. One random attack will strike the Godmodder! [quote=Mikellh Dejax] The chrome man, whose name shall be known once someone asks him it, looked on in slight anxiety, too much was happening at the same time, if they'd converge on the point of attack, which is the Godmodder, and they miss, they will be tumbling into each other and possibly kill-respawning each other, not that that would be a problem, since one who dies and revives doesn't seem to lose anything. Nevertheless, he will be alert, and will change their points in space into a different one if they miss as to avoid them from colliding, perhaps even change their position to be closer to the Godmodder and hit him?Also, Charge 3/4 [/quote] Having to dodge all the combatants again, the Godmodder realized that the chrome man was responsible for all the spatial shifting. The Godmodder focused his energy, and it was released in a burst of light. The battlefield is now unaffected by any space-time abilities aside from those of the Godmodder. The Wire Frame attempts to strike the Godmodder, who retaliates and destroys it. [hider=Godmodder Stats] [b]Godmodder HP:[/b] 97/100 [/hider] [hider=Anti-Godmodder Stats] [/hider]