[i]7:53 AM Control Room[/i] The test Kentarou had setup was a simple one. He would isolate the students and force them into a 'dangerous' situation so he could observe their abilities. To create the fog, he used a basic application of fire magic. He took the heat from the surrounding air and conducted it towards the sea. This caused the surface water to rapidly evaporate raising the humidity. The subsequent drop of temperature in the surrounding air caused the surrounding water vapour to rapidly condense into a fog. Although it sounded simple, the average student would have probably made a room sized fog and not one that encompassed the 80-meter super yacht. «Tamer» was an ability which allowed him to control animals via pheromones. He used it to in conjunction with the fog to prevent them from escaping overboard on the lifeboats. Yes, both the fog and seagulls were only a setup. The real challenge was another thing altogether. Natsu had somehow borrowed them from the science department and insisted it to be used to test the potential club members. Although it had been ordered not to cause any fatal injuries, he shuddered for the new students. Kentarou sighed. That woman is a devil, he thought. --- [i]7:55 AM Conference Room[/i] Events were unfolding at an uncanny rate. Hiiro calmed himself and tried to replay the past 10 minutes in his mind. Lets see... his conversation got cut off and said conversationee ran off. Blondy came in and told us we were under attack by seagulls. Gun boy and Tardy Girl followed after shady blondy. Full Metal Alchemist and XD-kun started working on some bird killing device. Voodoo was the calmest here and Macho was replicating her composure. Blondy and XD-kun then ran off again. Basically, it was havoc. From the windows, he could also see a dense fog surrounding the yacht. "Hmm..." Voodoo was on the right tract but she wasn't using all the information available to them. Hiiro thought back to the black uniformed student. Given the impression he gave off and that he had assumed responsibility for them (since he was in charge of briefing them and all), it didn't make sense that he had yet to appear to quell the situation. That [i]someone[/i] felt like him. The whole situation felt fishy. But that would be jumping too quick to conclusions. "...I agree with splitting up but I think we should set aside finding the source of this first. Its more important we rejoin the res- ahahahaha. You must be having a lot of fun, whoever you are." Hiiro gave a grim smile at figure blocking the conference room door. The body of a lion, wings of a bat and a tail of scorpion. Hiiro recalled hearing about such a creature from the mythology otakus from his old school; it was a manticore. "Excuse me, Macho-san(Ryu), you wouldn't by any chance be able to fight that off, would you?" The manticore gave a powerful roar and leaped towards Julliete. --- [i]7:58 AM Entrance to the deck[/i] A rather unfortunate series of events were happening here. Alvin had gallantly ran past Ren and Kazen and barged onto the deck in an attempt to draw the birds away. Able who chased him would arrive just short of Alvin dashing out. This is where the problem starts. Able hadn't arrived alone. From behind him came the second manticore. As it lay its menacing eyes upon the three, it whipped its scorpion tail against the steel wall, easily causing a large dent.