"Hey only enhancement spells take their toll on the human body." Shinji said angrily. Just then a slow clapping was heard at the doorway "Shinto why are you here!" Sakura asked Shinto who was standing in the doorway "I came to see how the traitors kid brother was doing as well as to give him a bit of a fighting chance." Shinto said arrogently. "What..are you..talking about?" Shinji asked while in pain as Shinto gave a big crazed grin "I came to give you a little challenge from yours truly. Fight me Shinjimoto! Fight me and I'll take back what I said about your sister! Sounds like a good deal right?" Shinto said crazily "You're crazy Shinto! There is know way Shinji can fight in this state!" Sakura said full of anger. Just then Shinji put his hand on Sakura's shoulder. "I accept Shinto!" said Shinji "Great glad you are cooperating." Shinto said "Shinji you cant fight in this condition besides you don't have a familiar!" Sakura said concerned for Shinji "Don't worry have faith Sakura." Shinji said looking at the group "None of you interfere this is between me and him." Shinji said in a serious tone.