The woman seemed rather confused by the two girls’ responses, as if not expecting them to be so quick to defend Gwazi. “Whaa…?” she tilted her head slightly. “What’s up with you two?” she asked. “I don’t care that he’s here — s’not like I’m gonna alert the authorities or anything — but, like, since it seems like men aren’t allowed in unless invited or whatever, I’m just kind of amazed he was able to sneak in without having to pull something like-” she then stopped abruptly, and, looking down at herself and then at the girls, her brain finally made a crucial connection that it had somehow earlier missed. “Ohhhhh I see what’s going on here!” she laughed. “Ahahahah, you guys don’t recognize me, do you?” she chirped. “It’s me; Muse!” she grinned and waved at the two of them. “Seems like this was the only way to easily navigate the place…” she explained, looking down at her new body again. “Oh! And since you’re here, I need a female opinion,” she spoke up to the girls. “Do these look like a decent size to you?” she asked, scooping up her own breasts in her hands. “It’s hard to tell when making a body like this; I mean, I don’t want to make them [i]too[/i] big, because that’s just showing off. But then, at the same time, I don’t want to be too modest, either, and make myself flat — that probably just makes me look like I have self-esteem problems or something….” she rambled, looking down at her C cup. “Ah! Focus, Muse, focus!” She told herself, snapping back to the situation at hand. “You there!” she quickly turned back to Gwazi. “You said you were just stopping here for supplies…” she echoed his words, thinking them over carefully. “But that… seems weird. I mean, they don’t seem like they’re particularly fond of visitors. Is it really that easy to get in?” she asked. “Actually, wait a minute,” she spoke up again before Gwazi could answer. “Thinking about it now, I really don’t remember how I got here…” she turned to the girls again. “How did we get here?”